Final version approved, 11-10-21-Nicole Byrn NSWPL
This updated Strategic Plan for the Working Group will ensure that a planned course is set for the next five years and will continue to ensure the Working Group has a high profile in the library profession.
The Working Group on Multicultural Library Services of NSW was established in June 1983, by librarians working in the field of library services for the Culturally and Linguistic Diverse Communities (CALD) community. The Working Group's role was to promote the provision of library resources to clients in a range of community languages.
The Working Group issued its first newsletter Breakthrough in September 1983. In 2002 the Working Group decided to finish publishing Breakthrough and in March 2003 a new section, titled ‘Multicultural News’ was inserted into Public Library News.
The Working Group's Constitutional Steering Committee was formed in 1985 which, in turn, produced objectives and a constitution.
In 1996 the Working Group officially affiliated with the Metropolitan Public Libraries Association (MPLA) and became a Sub-Committee of that body. A Country Public Libraries Association (CPLA) representative became a member of the Working Group in 2004.
The MPLA changed its name to Public Libraries NSW - Metropolitan and then to NSW Metropolitan Public Libraries Association (NSWMPLA) in 2011. The CPLA changed its name to Public Libraries NSW - Country and then Public Libraries NSW in 2010.
Every NSW public library will have access to an excellent resource collection and services that meet the needs of their CALD communities
To lobby, advise, promote and improve the importance of library services for the CALD community.
- To provide leadership in the field of multicultural library service
- To provide members of the group with a forum for discussion and for peer support
- To raise the profile of multicultural library services
- To encourage co-operation and networking amongst public libraries, the State Library of NSW, and other organisations.
- To ensure that multicultural services are recognized as integral to public library services
- To lobby for funds to secure resources, including technology, appropriate to CALD communities’ needs.
- Equality between individual members
- free public library service
- client focused public library service
- equal access to services provided by public libraries
- professionalism
- co-operation/teamwork
- open to new ideas
- recognize the need to adapt to change
- cultural diversity
- geographically dispersed
- diverse clientele between members
- different levels of support and funding
- common goals
- diverse library management systems
- rapid change of technology
- different LGAs
- cultural diversity of NSW population
- policies of state and federal governments
- changing boundaries of LGA's
- affiliation with NSWPLA
- support and funding from State Library
- networking with other community organisations and service providers
- clients access to technology/digital divide
- government services online in English
- ageing communities
- rapid change of technology
- affiliated with NSWPLA
- existence of multicultural purchasing co-operative
- support from the State Library of NSW through the multicultural consultant
- Languages Other Than English (LOTE) bulk loans service
- individual skills and knowledge of members
- shared objectives & information
- high number of clients
- collections and existing resources
- Co-operative purchasing
- language skills of members
- ongoing promotions and marketing
- co-operative cataloguing
- networking
- success with grant funding applications
- competing priorities
- consultation slows the decision-making process
- limited collections in some languages
- limited access to range of resources particularly for ageing CALD communities
- limited availability of resources in some languages and formats
- limited cataloguing of LOTE
- ability to support new emerging communities
- limited catalogue records available in script
- library systems do not fully support scripts which limit a client’s ability to search library catalogues
- decline of participation in cooperative acquisitions and cataloguing
- retaining collections relevant to clients
- advocacy
- to develop new services and resources
- networking
- promotion of groups activities and functions
- lobbying
- submission of grant funding applications
- effective use of electronic information and technology
- media
- partnerships
- racism
- community attitudes
- censorship
- Insufficient funding for LOTE collections and services
- Publishing industry limitations
- Members of Working Group
- library managers
- library staff
- council: general manager, mayor and councilors, council staff
- volunteers
- translators
- Multicultural Advisory Committees
- government and non-government agencies
- other service providers
- community groups
- library users and non-users
- Multicultural NSW
- Dept. of Local Govt.
- Local Government
- ethnic media
- CALD community workers
- Inter agencies
- Federation of Ethnic Community’s Council Australia
- Ethnic communities Council of NSW (ECC)
- library suppliers
- current collections in their languages
- staff who can assist them
- access to language aids and interpreting services
- receive same level of service as English-speaking people
- continuing development of the collections
- facilitator for referral to other organisations
- promotional material, signage in their own language
- community information
- bi-lingual storytelling and children’s activities
- up to date collection of ESL material
- recognition of their culture (displays and functions)
- lobbying on their behalf to improve services
- literacy classes and English conversation classes
- access to technology and catalogues in their own language and to provide assistance with usage
- opportunities for the community to participate in library events
- access to training in the use of new technology in their own language
- access to computers and wifi
- active participation of members
- management and Council support
- easy access by phone, e-mail and other technologies
- mentoring new staff working in multicultural library services
- atmosphere of creativity and professional development
- maintain and increase membership
- mutual support
- achievable goals ongoing review
- ability to promote and market library services to CALD communities
- opportunities to present at and attend conferences
- access to the Multicultural Purchasing and Cataloguing Co-operative
- opportunities for training and professional development
- regular consultation and feedback to library managers from members
- effective communication from the group
- budget accountability
- group should show leadership and initiative
- provide advice and expertise
- set achievable goals
- should be accountable for its actions
- support and use the Multicultural Purchasing and Cataloguing Co-operative
- clear proposals regarding collections and services
- support of NSWPLA
- support of Library Managers/Council
- availability of financial resources
- skills of multicultural librarians
- profile of Multicultural Working Group
- support of the State Library and the Multicultural Consultant
- flexibility and teamwork
- effective communication
- effectiveness of the Multicultural Purchasing and Cataloguing Co-operative
- ongoing circulation of current LOTE bulk loan collection from the State Library of NSW
Objective 1: Identify and support new arrivals
Strategy: Develop strategies to support new arrivals
Outcome - Support new arrivals with relevant programs, services and resources
- Action - Identify new arrivals by liaising with relevant government and NGO’s
- Performance Measure - Report back on the number of programs and services provided to these communities
- Performance Measure - Number of organizations are networking with.
- Timeframe - 2021 - 2025
Objective 2: To provide members of the group with a forum for discussion and for peer support
Strategy: Facilitate training and professional development
Outcome: Members understand benchmarks & their application & feel confident in using them
- Action - Organise professional development seminars on the 5 benchmark areas
- Planning
- Organisational capacity to develop & deliver services and collections
- Quality of - Service/Collections
- Promotion and marketing
- Evaluation
- Performance Measure: Number of seminars held
- Timeframe: April 2022
- Action: Benchmark Activity – Collections - Working group members to be aware of their own collections circulation and age.
- Performance Measure - Participate in a peer discussion. The Working group to identify strategies for improvement.
- Timeframe: To be discussed at the November 2021 working group meeting.
Objective 3: To raise the profile of multicultural library services
Strategy 1: Encourage and support the promotion and marketing of services for the CALD community
Outcome - Increase awareness of WGML and their achievements
* //Action//: Encourage members to present at conferences and seminars * //Performance Measure//: Number of members attending conferences etc * //Timeframe//: 2022-2025
- Action - new program: 2022 Spotlight on Multicultural services
- Performance Measure - Monthly presentation by a NSW library service and including interstate
- Timeframe - beginning February 2022
Outcome - Increased CALD community awareness of public library services
- Action - Encourage members to publish articles in journals and ethnic newspapers
- Performance Measure - Number of articles submitted to Public libraries News, Disseminate links via Public libraries News
- Performance Measure - Add Multicultural Library services to identify your article and services to CALD communities
- Timeframe - 2021-25
Outcome - Promotion of multicultural services to CALD communities across NSW
- Action - Share marketing material multilingual and English.
- Performance Measure - Present designs at working group meetings
- Timeframe - 2021 onwards
- Action - Working group meeting. Identify time slot for reporting Marketing
- Performance measure - permanent slot in working group meeting agenda
- Timeframe - 2021 onwards
Strategy 2: Raise the profile of the Group and improve communication from the Group
Outcome: All relevant bodies are informed about WGMLs projects & ongoing business
- Action: Members forward minutes to the Library Managers and NSWPLA
- Performance Measure: Minutes distributed to relevant bodies
- Timeframe: ongoing
Outcome: Best practices in public libraries are showcased
- Action: co-ordinate the annual award for excellence
- Performance Measure: Annual Award presented at NSWPLA Conference
- Timeframe: NSWPLA Conference 2022 November
- Action: Develop a strategy within the working group to recognize an individual contribution to improve library services to CALD communities
- Performance Measure: Annual Award presented at NSWPLA Conference
- Timeframe: Annually
Objective 4: To encourage co-operation and networking amongst public libraries, the State Library of NSW and other organisations.
Strategy: Encourage co-operation.
Outcome - Improved services to CALD communities
- Action - Encourage co-operative projects
- Performance Measure - Number of co-operative projects
- Timeframe - 2022-2025
- Action: Identify individuals in the working group who are proficient in Languages Other Than English and who are able to cooperate with the checking of translations and short texts. (this could include personal networks)
- Performance Measure : List of language skills available to the working group
- Timeframe: 2022-2025
- Action: Lending of unique collections such as Marathi, Kannada, Khmer. Held at some public libraries. Discuss barriers for collaboration.
- Performance Measure: number of loans offered between public libraries
- Timeframe -
Objective 5: To ensure that multicultural services are recognised as integral to public library services.
Strategy: Educate public library staff of their role in the provision of services to the CALD community
Outcome - Increase public library staff knowledge of CALD resources
- Action - Report at public library staff meetings activities , innovations, programs that may benefit local CALD communities.
- Performance Measure - Seminars to increase awareness
- Timeframe - 2022-2025
- Action: Make sure staff are your library are aware of resources available to the communities: TSS, Bulk loans, Health information etc
- Performance Measure: Cultural awareness training attendance
- Timeframe: 2022-2025