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Researching local studies

Local Studies staff can assist clients locate information through research services. Basic research assistance should be available for free.

Library Act 1939

Requirements under the Library Act 1939 Part 3 Division 2 10 1 (a) states any person (whether or not a member of the library) is entitled free access to certain materials on library premises and (e) that free basic reference services is available to library members. A fee may be considered only when an enquiry cannot be answered within a reasonable time frame, and requires an extended level of service. Levels of service provided should be determined so that clients know what to expect from staff. It should always be clear if and when these services may attract charges.

Fees for research

Research should be undertaken for users only for material in your own collection and if the user is living an unreasonable distance from the Library making a personal visit difficult. Charges can vary depending if the request is from an individual for personal use or from a commerical user. In addition there should be time restrictions to clearly define what is free and what will require payment. The amount charged for services can vary from a set hourly rate which is reviewed annually or is quoted on a case by case basis. In all instances the fee structure should be documented in your Council's fees and charges schedule.

What is provided

Up to one hour of research on most enquiries can be provided without charge. More time can be spent researching material unique to your library. In all cases where copies of documents are an outcome of the research an additional charge for these may be levied. The user should be informed if this will be necessary as part of the response process.

What is not provided

Lengthy and ongoing research for example family history or newspaper searches extended research assistance to users in other LGAs, interstate or overseas for information that is readily available in their own LGA, state or country. detailed assistance with school assignments information for personal financial gain eg competitions Response times Research is conducted in the order requests are received. On average it would be reasonable to allow 7-10 working days for most enquiries. A longer response time may be necessary for in depth research of difficult to access materials such as archives.

Research fees are nonrefundable and do not guarantee that relevant information will be found. To ensure that everyone is treated equally you may reserve the right to limit the number of enquiries per person/group within a designated time period for example the number of enquiries per person/group per year. You may also refer users to other information providers if that is appropriate. Service fees for reproducing material may apply.

Guidelines for having a local studies collection

Baseline enhanced exemplary local studies suggested service levels

The value of a local studies collection

Who is the audience local studies

Collection policy local studies

Managing collections local studies

Providing access local studies

Rights and permissions local studies

Staff local studies

Programs and publicity local studies

Evaluation local studies

researching_local_studies.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/28 23:13 by