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Working Group on Multicultural Library Services (NSW) Meeting Thursday the 8th of August 2013 State Library of NSW

Apologies : Pauline Chan, Roman Ciereszko, Kathleen Allen,

Welcome: Oriana welcomed the group to the Library and she welcomed Laurence McDonnell, Manager Auburn Library, as the new MPLA representative. Laurence will be replacing Anne Hall who has recently retired.

Business arising from previous minutes:

Multicultural Excellence Awards: Action Oriana still to add link to the State Library website

Farewell for Anne Hall Oriana will make sure Anne receives the lovely gift and card from the Working group

Guest Speaker : Nick Beswick- AMES The Australian Migrant Education Service (AMES) is a specialist ESL provider. Paper based publications previously provided by AMES are being replaced by new online services for a range of courses the 3 most popular for libraries are:

World Wide English Living in Australia Workplace Communication Skills

Annual licenses for a range of online users, 10, 20, 30, 50 etc are available for libraries to purchase. This license allows users to access the online courses 24/7, from home using their client registration number. Monthly usage reports can also be provided which allows libraries to monitor the usage of this programme. A free mobile app is also available.

Nick is happy to come to libraries and demonstrate the products offered by AMES. For more information please go to or you can contact Nick on 02 8293-6923 or by email on

Guest Speaker : Nicole Zabbal: OTEN (Open Teaching & Education Network) Based in Strathfield OTEN is the largest online distance education provider in NSW. They offer flexible delivery on a wide range of courses where students can study at their own pace. OTEN's online TAFE courses are developed in consultation with relevant industry groups, so qualifications are highly valued by industry employers, education and training providers and the wider community. The OTEN Multicultural Education Program provides and supports training programs for industry. It provides language and literacy programs, integrated language and vocational training, skilled migration programs and learner support. For more information on OTEN please go to

Nicole is keen to promote the services offered by OTENs Multicultural Education Program. If a library wants a demonstration for their CALD community they are able to run sessions. Please contact Nicole on 9715-8677 or email her on

Local Government Procurement and LOTE Shauna and Oriana met with Local Government Procurement to discuss the purchase of LOTE material through LGP as there is some confusion about libraries purchasing outside of LGP. As a result of this meeting Shauna has written the State Library of NSW Multicultural Purchasing Cooperative Procurement Policy.

Overall this document states that LOTE is not included as a specific category in relation to LGP and as “Multicultural procurement is managed by the State Library of NSW it therefore meets State Government procurement requirements”.

State Library Multicultural Website The current information on Multicultural Services on the State Library website is difficult to navigate. A new page outlining various multicultural service is being designed but before this is completed Oriana requires your feedback.

Action Oriana will send the design of the web page to libraries for feedback

Multicultural Excellence Award Oriana encouraged libraries or individuals to enter this award. For more information go to : The other award which libraries should consider entering is the Community Relations Marketing Award. It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet politicians and advocates of multiculturalism. For more information go to

Spanish Audio Books Libraries can now access Spanish Audio books for free via the Cervantes Institute. For Cervantes to provide access to this database you have to send you details to: María Magariños Casal, Librarian Instituto Cervantes Sidney Email Your need to email the following details:

• Your name: • Library name and address • Your e-mail and phone Once registered, libraries can provide a link on their website to Cervantes Institute for clients to access and download audiobooks. Cervantes is happy to offer an in house demonstration on this service. Please contact Oriana for more information.

LOTE Magazines and Newspapers Shauna is still compiling the list of LOTE magazines and newspapers held in NSW public libraries. Please send her your holdings if you have not already done so.

Report on SBS Project Mirjana thanked all those that have sent in their translations. There are still several languages to be translated. Mirjana has requested that MPLA supports this project.

Action Oriana and Mirjana will consult with SBS radio on how to proceed with this project.

MyLanguage Oriana will be reviewing this website however she encourages people to complete a survey re this website. If the website isn’t useful the committee needs to know.


Diabetes in Australia. There was a good take up of this publication. They have been catalogued and Oriana has some spare copies available. Please contact her is you are interested in purchasing a copy. iPads – Canterbury Library offers the loan of iPads. This has proven to be very popular and they will be purchasing more. Training is also offered for the use of this device. Contact Wendy Gindi for more information.

E-books in LOTE. This area is still difficult to source. Overdrive is a platform that offers some e-books in LOTE

Auburn Library in conjunction with Penrith Library recently carried out video conferencing on Triple P Parenting. It was very successful.

Next meeting will be held at the State Library on the 7th November

minutes_8_august_2013_slnsw_multicultural_working_group.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/20 19:33 by kirstyp