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Book groups

What is a book group?

A gathering of people who meet regularly, often once a month or so for one of the following reasons:

  • The possibility of meeting kindred spirits
  • Social interaction – breaking into a new area/location
  • Intellectual stimulation without the formality & process of an educational institution
  • A different perspective on reading material
  • Being exposed to material you may not choose for yourself

A book group is two or more people gathered to discuss a book they’ve read hoping that collectively they’ll discover things about it they may have missed on their own. A book group may be a film group, with films being watched and discussed. The reading group may also combine reading and watching, with some people reading the reading the book, other listening to the audio book or watching the dvd. The book group may be where one title is read/watched or listened each month, or it may use themes.

what_is_a_book_group_readers_advisory.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/28 23:13 by