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FAQ's and Guidelines


The State Library of New South Wales have provided an e-list for discussion of inter-lending issues.

Subscribe by:
* Sending an email to
* Going to

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The Hard2find list is for NSW public libraries to use for finding items which are not listed on Libraries Australia. To be a member of this hard2find list your library must be willing to search for each title which is posted to the list.

Before items are requested on the Hard2find list, please check the following:

  • You have as much bibliographic information about the item as possible
  • You are registered with the hard2find list
  • Your acquisitions department will not be buying it
  • You have checked your catalogue
  • You have checked that the relevant SS library does not hold it
  • You have checked on Libraries Australia

Subscribe to the Hard2find mailing list by:
* Sending an email to
* Going to
To unsubscribe to the email list, email to

To send a message to the list, email to
Note: You will need to be subscribed to the hard2find list to be able to send an email to it.

How do I find information on copyright for inter-library loan purposes?
Most of the copyright information provided online also has a disclaimer that it is not legal advice and that you should seek legal advice.

The Australian Copyright Council run regular training sesssions for a fee.
Look on their website for Seminars.
They also have online FAQ sheets. Try Find an answer>Browse by A-Z>choose L and look for Libraries.
Copyright for Libraries

ALIA (Australian Library and Information Association) Library provides information and Fact Sheets
ALIA copyright and intellectual property policy statement
ALIA Copyright Articles
Fair use (copyright) Articles

The National Library provides information and Fact Sheets
Copyright and Document Supply for Libraries
NLA Useful Copyright Resources
Copyright - Introduction
as at Aug 2021


What happens if we lose a book or other item?

  • The National Library charges $300 for a lost or damaged item. Overdue items could incur a $150 late fee if an invoice has been prepared.
  • The State Library NSW charges $120 + GST for a lost or damaged item.
  • Other libraries may charge the cost of the item plus the processing fee, or as advertised in the Australian Interlibrary Resource Sharing Directory.
  • The ILRS Code nominates the requesting library as being responsible for items which become lost while on inter-library loan, unless lost “in-transit” from the owning library.

as at Aug 2021


Which libraries provide bulk loans of community language materials? The State Library Multicultural Service has a great range of books in many languages.
Use their online request form.
Check the Community Languages Collection Directory to see which NSW public libraries have collections in the language you need. Not all listed collections are available for inter-lending.

Forthcoming - updates list of Libraries that lend community languages


Forthcoming content


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Help Sheets

faqs_and_guidelines.1645768048.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/24 23:47 by alaidlaw