Agenda for the NSW Multicultural Working Group meeting
Date: Friday the 23rd of February
Location - Blacktown City Library (Max Webber Library - Cnr. Flushcombe Road and Alpha Street, Blacktown 2148)
Time: 10:00am
10:00 - Election of Chairperson
10.05 - Welcome and Apologies
10.10 - Confirmation of previous minutes
10.12 - Business arising from previous minutes
Guest Speakers
10.15 - Ana Tuionuku - Twinnies Pacific Bilingual Books
10.25 - Mulong Xie, Research Fellow CSIR0
10.45 - Adult Fiction Stock Quality Health Check and Professional Development -Ellen Forsyth
Other business
11.00 - Strategic Plan - Abby/Joanna
11.10 - Update on the 50th anniversary celebrations of Multicultural Services SL - Joanna Goh
11.15 - Social media campaign for bulk loan service - Abby Dawson
11.20 - Spotlight on multicultural services in libraries- Abby/Joanna
11.25 - NSW Dept of Education Resources- Abby
11.30 - Housing bulk loans collections - Fujing Zhao-Kuring Gai
11.35 - Highlights from the network - pick 1 or 2 things you've been doing to share (if time)
12 pm - Meeting close
Next meeting - Korean Cultural Centre, 255 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, 15th May 1.30pm