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Table of Contents

Wider Local Studies

This is where you can find resources presented at the videoconferences for #WiderLocalStudies.

This is a collaboration between library staff in all states and territories in Australia.

To subscribe to the national email list to discuss local studies, please fill in your details here.


Agenda for 11 and 12 June 2024 wider local studies This contains links to the video recordings, copies of the slides for the 10 minute presentations and some relevant links.

13 June discussion session will run:

  • 9.00am to 10.30am AWST
  • 10.30am to 12.00pm ACST
  • 11.00am to 12.30pm AEST




Presentations and video from 25 March 2020 wider local studies including the chat discussion

Presentations and video from 17 September 2020 wider local studies

First Monday drop in information This is some of the information from these drop in sessions. Note not all records were kept.


wider_local_studies.1718230699.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/12 17:18 by