
Working Group on Multicultural Library Services (NSW) AGM

Thursday the 26th November 2015 State Library of NSW

The Chair Wendy Ford welcomed members to the meeting

Election of Office Bearers

The Terms of Reference for the Working Group on Multicultural Library Servicese (NSW) state that both the Chairperson and Secretary positions can only be held for two years therefore new office bearers must be elected for 2016 – 2018

As there were no nominations or volunteers for the position of Chairperson. Wendy will remain as Chair until the first meeting in 2016 when she will vacate the role. Members of the working group should consider volunteering to take up this position. Kasia Malicka (Burwood Library) volunteered as Secretary and will take up the role in 2016

Annual Report

The outgoing Chairperson, Wendy Ford, produced the annual report which is an overview of the work carried out by the Working Group in the past 12 months

One of the highlights was the 2015 Multicultural Awards. The winners were Yan Ping Lu – Individual Winner and

Waverley Library Service – took out the Organisation Winner

Meeting Closed at 9:50am

minutes_26th_november_2015_state_library_of_nsw_multicultural_working_group.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/17 19:27 by kirstyp