Working Group on Multicultural Library Services (NSW) 10:30, Thursday the 16th June 2016 State Library of NSW
Apologies: Vivien Chung, Lisa Marschall, Lawrence McDonnell, Kasia Malicka
Business arising from the previous minutes There was no business arising
The minutes were accepted by Wendy Gindi and seconded by Vanessa Maino
Chairperson Due to other commitments it is unlikely that Lawrence McDonnell will be able to continue chairing this meeting for the remainder of this year. Members of this group are encouraged to take up this position. If you are interested please email Oriana.
Floating collections - Large Print and audio The State Library wants to make these collections more available to a wider number of clients. Oriana asked members of the working group to inform home library staff that they can borrow more of these collections for a longer loan.
Unclassified DVDs The issue of selling of unclassified DVDs was raised earlier this year. Advice obtained from the Crown Solicitor states that:
“ it is an offense for suppliers, including the Cooperative to “sell” unclassified (classified refers to all films that have been classified in accordance with the National Classification Code and the classification guidelines) DVDs to public libraries”
There is some significant risk of the State Library, by invoicing individual libraries for payment for library material where this material are unclassified films and television series, is in contravention of s.6 of the NSW Act.
Therefore the Cooperative will be unable to “sell” libraries Unclassified DVDs
Please note it is NOT an offense for libraries to purchase unclassified DVDs.
Due to this clarification some libraries are opting not to purchase DVDs which essentially will disadvantage their CALD communities as they won’t have access to new DVDs. Oriana suggested that perhaps libraries could lobby state/federal government for an exemption as a way of obtaining LOTE DVDs for their collections.
Cooperative Purchasing and MOUs The Cooperative has received Standing Orders and MOUs from 10 libraries so this method of purchasing will commence early in July 2016. As no Selection days will be held this year all other orders can only be placed through Selection Profiles. Please contact Shauna to receive a profile in the language you require.
ESL/Literacy Selection Day Bookery, Melbourne will be holding the ESL/Literacy selection day at the State Library on Friday the 22nd of July in the Dixson Room from 10:00am – 2:0pm. This open for any library to attend.
State Library Catalogue Abby demonstrated the new State Library catalogue. It is difficult to find some material however Abby will lodge any suggested changes libraries would like to be able to use Currently you can only limit your languages to English, French and German. You are also unable to search by call number. • Libraries can still use the “Classic catalogue” which you can search by either Multicultural Collection, • call number • language.
Abby recommended filling in the feedback form with any comments re the new catalogue.
LOTE Centres of Excellence The State Library has been looking at different models in relation to the housing and loaning of the collection multicultural collection.
A core collection will be kept at the Stat Library for use by one off borrowers however larger users of the collection will be approached with a view to take a larger portion of the collection. Library managers will be contacted about this further.
Tech Savvy Seniors – CALD Clients The current program finishes in June. More than 2,000 people have received training. It is hoped more money will be available to continue to offer this program.
Libraries also provided very good feedback about expanding the program to other languages. This will be investigated to see if it will be possible to expand the training to other CALD groups.
Tech Savvy Seniors – English speaking clients Extra money is available for more training.
Strategic Plan - Update The 2012-2016 has been completed. The group needs to think about the 2017 – 2021 Strategic Plan which has under Objective 2, Strategy 1 has an action that states : “Organize professional development seminar…”
Action: Add this item to the next agenda for further discussion
Dates and Venues for the remainder of the 2016 meetings
• Thursday the 18th August – Rockdale Library • Thursday 17th November – City of Sydney, Customs House
General Business
Canterbury – Is promoting Refugee Week by screening the film Freedom Stories and holding a stories evening
Wollongong – Red Cross International Tracing Service will be giving a presentation for the community and interested organisations on their services.
The Council is also hosting various activities for the different CALD communities
City of Parramatta – Working with Settlement Services international (SSI). (Ability Link) Red Cross Tracing Service and SSI will give a presentation about the Tracing Service The Library will be holding a kite making program In August it will be holding a small business workshop in Arabic.
Next meeting: 18th of August at Rockdale Library.