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Working Group on Multicultural Library Services (NSW) Thursday the 13th August 2014 Manly Library

Welcome: Wendy Ford welcomed the group to Manly Library

Apologies: Jann Debenham, Kaye Johnson, Yan Ping Lu, Wendy Gindi, Stephanie Lee, Sharlene Louey, Stella Tay & Nada Antoun

Minutes of Previous Meeting

Minutes were accepted by Kasia Malicka and seconded by Pauline Chan

Actions arising from the previous minutes

Strategic Plan Spreadsheet: It was recommended to put this on hold as Ellen Forysth’s working group is carrying out similar work and it would be useful to see where this goes before proceeding with our project.

Guest speaker: Richard Siegersma: Aussie Global Books

Aussie Global Books provides a fully integrated seamless service which supplies books, a/v (DVDs and CDs) and e books in both simplified and traditional Chinese as well as Japanese and Korean.

E- Books/E-Resources – A monthly catalogue is created for libraries to see what is available. This also contains an overview of each product. Aussie Global Books is interested in offering libraries an invitation to adopt a Cooperative collaboration which would provide their services to libraries. Purchases can be made singularly or as a standing order.

E book borrowing periods can be set by the library. Free brief MARC records are available which can be uploaded onto your catalogue its compatible with most devices, I phone readers, ipads, androids etc. They are able to offer Simplified e-books, full text newspapers, full text reference books and full text yearbooks all from Mainland China.

Also available are e-books in Traditional Chinese from a popular publisher in Taiwan.

Only one reader can borrow an e-book at one time.. Extra users can be purchased. Different options for purchase are available.

Action: Shauna will report back to libraries on the progress of this product at the next meeting.

Readit Air – Progress Report

A minimum of 10 libraries need to express interest to purchase this product. To date there has been no response from libraries about this. The State Library has purchased one for the library. Oriana is in the process of arranging training on the use of the product. It should be operational soon

Action: Oriana will report back on the progress of the introduction of this at the next meeting in November

Literacy Forum: March 11th 2015

A teleconference has been held to discuss the probability of holding a Literacy forum in March 2015. This is a collaborative project between the Literacy Working Group and the Multicultural Working Group. The focus of the conference will be on how libraries can help the community with their literacy needs. It is hoped that the forum will help to inspire libraries as literacy seems to be falling off libraries radars. Library staff are not teachers as they do not have the training so we have to find other ways of helping and contributing to this service. Different problems are faced by metropolitan libraries and country libraries. There are several issues that the forum will try and address

Action: Make this a permanent agenda item

Action: Oriana need to speak to find out if there is an available budget for the forum

Action: The next teleconference will be held in Sept.

Multicultural Research

A proposal to the research committee. Multicultural Library Services in NSW Public Libraries 2014. In the past; research has been carried out on multicultural services in NSW and as a result publications such as the glossary have come out of it. The last research was carried out in 2013 therefore it is time to have another look at the services we are providing including staff training, what is the quality of collections across the network etc. The outcome of this research will be to show where libraries are now and what they need to do to develop or improve their services.

Oriana will discuss funding and forwarding this project with Cameron Morley

Strategic Plan- progress report

MyLanguage website

The MyLanguage website will be archived on Pandora. For more information go to

Standing Order Trial (SOT) - Report

The SOT is going very well, the first 30 books have been received, catalogued, end processed and have been shipped to the 9 libraries, taking part in the trial. The average cataloguing costs are currently $105.00 for each batch this equates to $3.50 per catalogue record which is a very good saving. It is envisioned that if this is successful that this project will be expanded to other languages, eg Arabic and Vietnamese

LOTE Statistics

Abby reported back on some of the bulk loan statistics, The State Library received 5,591 requests from public libraries and this was an increase from the previous year. French, Spanish Italian, German Japanese were the most requested languages with the less requested languages being Slovenian Bulgarian, Ukrainian etc

Other Business

Liverpool Library – new Kurdish collection will be introduced shortly

Marrickville Library – Will be running a 4 week Intensive IELTS workshop, Saturday and Sunday. This is a free service please contact Kathy for more details. They also ran the first film club in August, 15 people attended. It is expected that these numbers will increase.

Fairfield Library - Noel announced his retirement from the library as of October. Oriana thanked him for all the work that he did as a member of the working group.

Auburn Library- is running English language classes

Blacktown Library - will be screening I am Emmanuel for the public

Next meeting 13th November State Library

minutes_13th_august_2014_manly_library_multicultural_working_group.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/17 19:38 by kirstyp