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Agenda for the NSW Multicultural Working Group meeting

Date: Friday the 23rd of February

Location - Blacktown City Library

Time: 10:00am

Election of Chairperson

Welcome and Apologies

Confirmation of previous minutes

Business arising from previous minutes

Guest Speakers

Ana Tuionuku - Twinnies Pacific Bilingual Books

Mulong Xie, Research Fellow CSIR0

Adult Fiction Stock Quality Health Check and Professional Development -Ellen Forsyth

Strategic Plan - (SM)

Update on the 50th anniversary celebrations of Multicultural Services SL - (JG)

Social media campaign for bulk loan service - Abby

Spotlight on libraries-(SM)

Housing bulk loans collections - Fujing Zhao-Kuring Gai

NSW Dept of Education Resources- (SM)

Date and venue of next meeting - Korean Cultural Centre, 15th May 1.30pm

agenda_-_february_2024_blacktown_library_mwg.1708488094.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/20 22:01 by