Module 13 Answers and review - Reference Excellence
Module 13 answers
Suggested answers for Module 13 exercises - Discuss the questions and your answers with your supervisor, trainer or colleagues.
Technology reference interview
Refer to Module 2 Reference interview skills and question types for guidance on conducting a reference interview - the same principles apply to a technology reference interview.
Think about the types of questions you could be asked about technology.
Ask your colleagues and supervisor what kinds of technology related questions they have encountered?
Talk with your colleagues or supervisor about how using a reference interview will help you know the right kind of help to provide.
Think about: -
Where are the gaps in your skills and understanding?
What aspects of the reference interview were useful in the technology context?
What barriers did you find to answering technology questions?
Is there specific 'technology' terminology that you found confusing?
Were there new concepts you learned about undertaking these exercises?
How many ebook platforms have you discovered?
Technology skills
Fill in the Technology proficiency checklist.
How does your proficiency measure up?
Discuss this with your supervisor, trainer or colleagues. Ask what training is available for you in this area.
Accessing resources
Do you have an app for patrons to access your library catalogue?
What apps are available via your library website. What passwords are required?
Note the steps to use both Android and iPhone to access two apps your library subscribes to e.g. an ebook, a library app. If your library has devices you can use - demonstrate to a colleague.
What suggestions do you have to make access easier for library patrons?
Download one of the following Government apps - ATO, Services NSW, MyGov
Think about:-
Work your way through using different devices to expand your knowledge.
How do you deal with patrons asking for assistance with older technology?
What reasons did you see that apps would not work?
Module 13 review
What have you learned?
Skills transfer occurs in providing support for customers.
Nothing stays the same for long.
Undertaking a reference interview is an important aspect of technology support.
Your own skills will develop as you assist patrons with technology.
It is important to keep up to date with the apps and technology available through your library.
What to do when you finish the module…
When you have completed the exercises for this module, you may want to talk to your supervisor, trainer or colleagues about them.
Please fill out and submit the evaluation form
Other modules for Reference Excellence