Date: Monday 1st August 2022
Venue: Online via Zoom
Time: 2pm
Chairperson: Anne Laidlaw, City of Sydney ; Shelley Petchell, Cumberland
Secretary: Anne Laidlaw, City of Sydney ; Shelley Petchell, Cumberland

Downloadable Minutes here


1. Welcome and introductions

I acknowledge that I am hosting/recording this meeting from the lands of Gadigal People of the Eora Nation. I also acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the various lands on which you all work today and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people participating in this meeting.

2. Apologies

Kristin Ovidi, Sutherland; Diane Parkin, Hornsby

3. Confirmation of May 2021 minutes.

Confirmed by Ken Cullen, Inner West & Parramatta attendees

4. Actions arising from previous meeting

5. State Library of NSW report

6. Multicultural Services report

7. Trove Collaborative Services Updates - New

Added to ongoing Agenda to discuss Trove/LADD changes and what non-LADD methods currently used by Libraries. • 2024 is the proposed phase out plan-less than three year transition

Trove Collaborative Services page now exists on ILL Doku Wiki (main page). When information comes through from the NLA on any proposed changes we will endeavour to add them in here. Currently it includes:

Impacts of changes to LADD discussion
The two big concerns around of the removal of LADD are the time required to complete ILL tasks and how to manage payments without assistance of bi-monthly invoices.

Time required: Concern that requesting, tracking and returning each request via email will increase Admin load of the ILL officer. Without the ease of tracking requests in LADD how will be know who has what with the amount of emails received.

Asked how Libraries currently manage requests outside of LADD

o Strathfield – Excel spreadsheet that tracks incoming and outgoing requests outside of LADD this is then also used for any stats that are needed.

o Ryde – Without rota option uses folders to track requests. As there isn’t a large number of incoming requests this is manageable.

o Woollahra – agreement with Waverley that Waverley have access to their account number and then reserve their own titles. Gives a bit of time back to Woollahra in terms of searching for items in catalogue.

o Cumberland – Also has an excel spreadsheet to assist with statistics and tracking requests.

Discussion that excel seems to be a good means of tracking requests and might be worth setting up a basic spreadsheet now to see how it works for your library. We can revisit this in later meetings as more information comes to light. Action: Murray has kindly shared some screenshots of his spreadsheet to assist in starting off - See top of page for larger pictures in Downloadable minutes

Requests from Libraries (external)

Requests from Libraries (external)

Requests from Borrowers (internal)

Requests from borrowers (internal)

Payments:Currently Libraries on LADD only have to pay Bi-monthly Invoices that catalogue charges and locations used. Without this the process of payments is going to be longer and harder to track through different areas of council and to know when it has been completed.

Statistics: Statistics is another area that data is pulled from LADD.

o Canterbury-Bankstown has recently started collecting some internal stats on how many requests are through LADD and through Email to see where the majority lie.

o City of Sydney has a monthly spreadsheet where incoming and outgoing numbers are tallied but not very detailed and still does rely on LADD.

o Strathfield can pull their data from the existing spreadsheet that tracks their requests.

Rep at Manager meetings: As there is a lot of information trickling down from managers meetings regarding Trove/LADD Abby suggested reaching out to a manager who could become our representative at higher level discussions, multicultural working group has one. Action: Potential to approach managers from benchmarking survey.

How Libraries find Spydus as a management tool for ILL

o Inner West – Spydus ILL module useful for requests as it can send outgoing requests straight to Libraries asking for the item. Also allows you to track request in the system and saves paper forms. Charging location payments made via invoicing.

o Strathfield – outgoing requests much larger than incoming. Request module only used for internal requests (check)

o Ryde – not having LADD rota means have a good folder system for what is coming from where. Ryde doesn’t deal with a high volume so it does work, e.g. No book club requests as they have their own Book Club Kits. Invoicing for charging locations are done through Council’s finance/accounts department.

8. ILL Van
Friday 22nd July email from Genevieve Freeman indicating new Van schedule for FY22/23 will be sent in August. Had been an end date of Fri 29th July to submit any alterations to current schedule. Any delayed changes will affect the billing to your Library for Van Run cost in this FY22/23

9. The Wiki

10. Libraries Australia/LADD issues
New charges implemented on 1st July: No problems yet reported. It was noted that the increasing cost of charging locations has had a significant impact on number of requests to Universities etc

University Community borrower memberships In a resent search around the University of Sydney website Anne discovered a community membership option starting at 3 months membership for $40 which then allows the public to borrow 10 items. Given that one loan is currently $30.30 it is worth looking into direct casual membership to Universities if you have borrowers to request from there a bit. USYD information available [[https://www.library.sydney.edu.au/libraries/membership.html |here]. Dianne at Newcastle Library also let us know, the Newcastle University Library has a $100, 12 month casual public card.

11. Suggested topics for discussion
ILL replacement charges - Fujing raised query whether other Libraries are able to track payments for lost items once request for payment sent through to other Library/Council. At Ku-ring-gai there is generally no notification as to when bills are paid and resolved by other Councils to mark off issue solved on their end. This was a similar situation for others and agreement that best way to remedy is to keep contact between ILL officers open as much as possible via email or LADD notes to update when Invoice sent to Finance team etc. and if any other information comes down the line in terms of payments receieved.

Reply-all to eLists – ongoing issue. SLNSW is aware and currently looking into compiling issues people have been having and look at alternatives. Action: Anne to send through compilation of reminders and issues resulting from reply-all on elists

13. Next meeting - Wednesday 7th December onsite at SLNSW Dixon meeting room, 2pm.