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Trove Collaborative Services

Subscribe to the Trove Collaborative Services email list

Join our Trove Collaborative Services email list to keep up to date with service developments, events, and development opportunities.

To subscribe to the Trove Collaborative Services email list send a message to from the address you want to subscribe to the list. In the subject line of your message include:

subscribe trovecollaborativeservices-l yourfirstname yourlastname.

Leave the body of the message blank.

Town Hall Webinars & Take 20 with Trove

Trove Collaborative Services Town Hall webinars inform partners on what is happening with the service.

By watching the Town Hall webinars, partners should be able to:

  • Understand current developments and activities with the service
  • Share and communicate information to other colleagues in their organisation

Town Hall -17th March 2022
Topics covered include: The vision for Trove & incoming pricing model for Trove Collaborative Services

trove_collaborative_services.1655954754.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/22 22:25 by alaidlaw