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RA Training

If you are looking for ways to brush up on your Readers Advisory skills, there are many training tools available online.

Here are links to some of them:

  • Nancy Pearl for Bibliocommons: A series of videos available to watch on YouTube. Topics include:

Collaborative list making(no fail choices in different genres)

Writing the 140 character annotation

Taking basic book talking skills online Taking Basic Book Talking Skills online is a great tutorial on how to read a book in 5 minutes.

Bringing our personal interests into RA work

Tagging for the four Doorways

Nancy Pearl: Collaborative listmaking: no fail choices in different genres/topics.

Ore Online is a virtual reference training program developed by the Ohio Library Council with partial funding from the State Library of Ohio with support from LSTA.

OPLA has a section on Readers Advisory Conversation.

Fresh Titles for Book Club - Library Journal Webcast. Do you struggle to find titles that your book clubs will devour and jump start lively discussions? Look at a variety of refreshing book club picks that promise to add new favorite authors to your book club rosters.

readers_advisory_training_readers_advisory.1683702654.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/10 02:10 by aaronw