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Draft agenda for 17 June wider local studies online meeting

Note the agenda is draft and subject to change

Link to book to participate in this meeting

The meeting will be video.

Time of the meeting

  • Western Australian 12.00 - 2.00
  • South Australia and Northern Territory 1.30 - 3.30
  • ACT, NSW, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria 2.00 - 4.00

2.00pm Welcome to meeting

Acknowledgment of country (plus participants to put name/library/state/name of Traditional Owners)

2.05pm Bill Wilkie about research, and collecting evidence in order to publish The Daintree Blockade: the battle for Australia’s tropical rainforest. This received the Queensland Premier’s Award.

2.40pm Farley Connelly, Program Officer (Aquatic & Field Ecology) EnviroDNA details about the presentation TBC

3.15 discussion about collecting local studies information about the environment

What kind of environmental information do you collect about your area?

  • Prompts - does this include local environmental plans, citizen science reports/research, heritage reports, information about local environment groups/protests, ???
  • How do you work with local environment groups to collect material?
  • How do you collect environmental information where there are protests against decisions made by the council (think back to Bill Wilkie’s presentation)

What topics would you like covered in later wider local studies meetings? Are you willing to help plan a wider local studies meeting?

Presentations and video from 17 June 2021 Wider local studies meeting

These will be available after 17 June 2021

presentations_and_video_from_17_june_2021_wider_local_studies.1620341012.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/06 17:43 by