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Module 9 Answers and Review Reference Excellence

Module 9 Answers

Exercises Family history first contact

  • Spend time learning how to use all the equipment in your family history section.
  • Search for information from the day you were born.
  • Are the user instructions clear and easy to follow?

Exercises for records and referral

  1. What family history resources are in your library or available online?
  2. How are your resources indexed or catalogued?
  3. How are your resources arranged?
  4. Choose two of the listed websites and search for your family name or your local town.
  5. Is there a Family History Society nearby?
  6. What are their hours and conditions of access?
  7. What resources do they hold?

Talk with your supervisor about your findings. Discuss with them which are the most used resources and why that might be.

Exercises for family history and local studies research

  1. Does your library house the local studies collection separately from the family history collection?
  2. Why or why not?
  3. How would you use the family history collection to find out about local people or places?

Discuss your findings with your supervisor.

Module 9 Review

Exercise for review

In order to better understand the process of researching family history, research your own family back for at least two generations.

Discuss your findings with your supervisor.


What to do when you finish the module…

When you have completed the exercises for this module, you may want to talk to your colleagues or supervisor about them.

Please fill out and submit the evaluation form

Other modules for Reference excellence

module_9_answers_and_review_ref-ex.1619472050.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/26 16:20 by judyatkinson