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Module 8 Answers and review Reference Excellence

Module 8 answers

Suggested answers for Module 8 exercises

Discuss the questions and your answers with your supervisor, trainer or colleagues.

What is local studies?

  1. Does your library have a Local Studies collection?
  2. Where is your Local Studies collection located?
  3. How does the public access the collection?
  4. Does your library have a Local Studies librarian, or is there a staff member who usually answers these types of questions?
  5. Look in your collection development policy at the section on Local Studies. How current is it?
  • For these questions you will need to look at the collection.
  • Who do you need to speak with? Where is the documentation? Is it on your website?

Why collect local studies resources?

  1. By browsing the shelves in your library find 3 items about the geography of the local area.
  2. By browsing the shelves in your library find 3 items about the history of the local area.
  3. Using your library's OPAC, find 3 items about the geography and/or history of your local area.
  4. How does your library promote its Local Studies collection or services?
  5. What ideas do you have for promoting your library's Local Studies collection?
  • How easy was it to find them?
  • Does your library participate in History or Heritage Weeks?

Building a local studies collection

  1. Talk to your Local Studies specialist. How do they source material for the collection?
  2. Has your library collected any digital material for the Local Studies collection?
  3. What kind of content does your library actively create for the collection?
  • Were there any surprises?

Key resources for local historical research

  1. Collect 3 examples of ephemera from your area and discuss adding to your own collection with your Local Studies specialist.
  2. How does your library store and preserve ephemera, how is access to it provided?
  3. Ordered List Item
  • Where did you find the ephemera?

Key resources for local geographical research

  1. Find an example of an Environmental Impact Statement
  2. What kind of maps does your Local Studies collection contain?
  3. Does your library catalogue ABS material?
  4. Find 3 examples of digital material about the local geography
  • Were these easy to find?

Local studies and family history research

  1. Does your library house the local studies collection separately from the family history collection? Why or why not?
  2. How would you use the local studies collection to find out about a person or place they lived?
  • What did you learn by doing this?

Local studies challenges

  1. What are the pros and cons of preservation and access?
  2. What would be the challenges to creating a display of Local Studies material?
  • Make sure you talk with your other staff members about any questions you have about this.

Module 8 review

What have you learned?

You have learned about Local Studies, and understand the broad range of formats Local Studies collections often contain.

The range of questions asked of Local Studies Librarians is infinite. Here are some samples of some of the more common types of questions asked. How would you go about answering some of these questions?

  • What is the origin and meaning of my street name?
  • My late uncle was the “black sheep of the family” and we lost touch. When did he die and where is he buried?
  • My house has been heritage listed in the past. What history do you have on the property?
  • Our family were early settlers in the district. Do you have any information, photographs or contacts that may be helpful?
  • While excavating for a new road, we found an old well. What do you know about it?
  • What information do you hold on the old factory where dad used to work?
  • I am doing a Senior Geography Project on traffic issues in the area. Do you have any reports?
  • Our theatre group has an anniversary coming up. Do you have any photographs or memorabilia we could borrow for a display?
  • Do you have any early maps showing the earliest roads in the district?
  • I took some photographs and recorded a video at a recent event, would you like them for the collection?

Discuss with your supervisor.

If you would like further information on aspects of Local Studies in public libraries, including meeting dates; agendas for the NSW Local Studies Working Group have a look here. There are some books on Indyreads which may be helpful too.


What to do when you finish the module…

When you have completed the exercises for this module, you may want to talk to your colleagues or supervisor about them.

Please fill out and submit the evaluation form

Other modules for Reference Excellence

module_8_answers_and_review_ref-ex.1620550657.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/09 03:57 by judyatkinson