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Wider local studies 7 and 8 June 2023

This is a national online local studies session for professional development and networking. Bookings are available now.

This will be recorded and made available online. Your participation in this is your agreement to this.

This is the link to book for the session on 8 June

Please note the time zones for each sessions.

  • AWST is Australian Western Standard Time
  • ACST is Australian Central Standard Time
  • AEST is Australian Eastern Standard Time

The sessions each day start at:

  • 9.00 for those in Western Australia
  • 10.30 for those in South Australia and the Northern Territory
  • 11.00 for those in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria.


7 June 2023

* 9.00am AWST; 10.30 ACST, 11.00 AEST Welcome to the day and Acknowledgment of Country Anne Scheu, State Library of Queensland

  • all participants to use chat to mention their library/state and name of local Aboriginal/ Torres Strait Islander people
  • participants are invited to ask questions via the chat feature during the presentations

Local studies collecting – a guide towards planning, policies, inclusions, and considerations

In 2022, members of the Queensland Local Studies Group (QLSG) who were attending a workshop expressed a desire to revisit key points significant to Local Studies programming and collecting in libraries and Councils. In our discussions, we identified several areas that would benefit from renewed assistance. The session we are hosting today is one outcome and a follow-up that was delivered at the annual Local Studies meeting 18 February 2023. It includes considerations for Local Studies collection planning documentation and an overview by public library staff with local studies / local history collections, their knowledge, priorities and feedback - a Queensland perspective.


  • Anne Scheu, Queensland Local Studies Group facilitator, Queensland Memory, State Library of Queensland

Contacts Toowoomba - Charters Towers - Burdekin -


10.00am AWST; 11.30 ACST, 12.00 AEST First Nations people and cataloguing

  • Hayley Arkinstall, Libraries and Archives NT to chair


  • Cathy Johnston, Manager Collection Management, Library & Archives NT and PJ Andrews, First Nations Collections and Content Coordinator, Library & Archives NT Language, people, place: cataloguing for story telling and discovery.

11.00am AWST; 12.30 ACST, 13.00 AEST 30 minute break

11.30am AWST; 13.00 ACST, 13.30 AEST Oral history 20 minute sessions and then discussion

* Hayley Arkinstall, Libraries and Archives NT to chair


  • Dunja Ganama, Manager Library Services, Alice Springs Public Library, Northern Territory, Tall Tales
  • Jenny Ryan, Heritage Library Supervisor, Sunshine Coast; Lisa Spence, Heritage Library, Noosa CouncilSurfs Up: an oral history collaboration Surfing is a key theme in the history of the Sunshine Coast region, from Caloundra in the south to Noosa in the north. It brought a wave of visitors and newcomers to the area and introduced a different culture to the community. These ‘swell seekers’ also needed to make a living and a thriving industry of board making / shaping, surf clothing and manufacturing sprang up.

12.30pm AWST; 14.00 ACST, 14.30 AEST Case studies about collecting local studies information about culturally and linguistically diverse people and people who speak and additional language to English.

  • Ellen Forsyth, Public Library Services, State Library of NSW to chair


  • Angela Phippen City of Ryde, NSW Preparing and presenting a bilingual talk on Chinese market gardens: colleagues, collaboration & community
  • Megan Crook, Shoalhaven Libraries, NSW Multicultural oral histories

13.00 AWST, 14.30 ACST, 15.00 AEST Lightning talks 10 minutes each part 1 questions to be asked and answered in chat

Anne Scheu, State Library of Queensland to chair


  • Sandra Daws and Susanna Iuliano, Town of Cambridge and City of Vincent, Western Australia Working collaboratively on First Nations stories Case study of cross council collaboration on the ‘Galup’ story exploring the history of Galup/Lake Monger in Perth.
  • Sue Lefroy, City of Albany, Western Australia Encouraging Menang Noongar engagement in local history archives Blurb: Exploring ways to build the Aboriginal History Collection within our local library.

13.30pm AWST; 15.00 ACST, 15.30 AEST End of day 1 and evaluation


8 June 2023

* 9.00am AWST; 10.30 ACST, 11.00 AEST Welcome and Acknowledgment of Country

Lightning talks 10 minutes each part 2 questions to be asked and answered in chat

  • Susanna Iuliano, City of Vincent, Western Australia to chair this session and provide the welcome to the day and the Acknowledgement of Country.
  • all participants to use chat to mention their library/state and name of local Aboriginal/ Torres Strait Islander people
  • participants are invited to ask questions via the chat feature during the presentations


  • Anna O’Connor, City of Bunbury, Western Australia, Exploring the Local Studies Landscape in WA Blurb: Presenting the results of a Masters degree research project which aimed to build a picture of the current capacities, practices, and visibility of local studies collections in Western Australia.
  • Danni Reade, Mount Gambia, South Australia Don’t over due it podcast
  • Derek Binns, Launceston Library, Tasmania, Rare books in the Launceston Library
  • Kate Davis, Casey Cardinia Libraries, Victoria, Local history photography competition
  • Kelly Mitchell and Yasmin Greenhalgh Stanton Library, North Sydney Council, NSW Mapping Queer North Sydney

10.00am AWST; 11.30 ACST, 12.00 AEST Getting started/collection audit local studies

This session explores steps for new and experienced local studies staff in building and developing representative and diverse local studies collections.

  • Jo Cooper, State Library of South Australia to chair


11.00am AWST; 12.30 ACST, 13.00 AEST 30 minute break

11.30am AWST; 13.00 ACST, 13.30 AEST Building capacity for local studies – outreach and partnerships

  • Jo Cooper, State Library of South Australia to chair


  • Deb Dunt – Library Programs Coordinator and Symon Williamson – Team Leader Library Events and Programs, both from the City of Tea Tree Gully in South Australia Creating connections: Libraries and Kaurna Communities preserving history together
  • Karen Branwood – Digital Learning Librarian at Public Library Services, State Library of South AustraliaEngaging Schools with Recollect – a Pilot Project’

12.30pm AWST; 14.00 ACST, 14.30 AEST Digital first collecting and newspapers

  • Nicole Hilder, Hobsons Bay, Victoria to chair


  • Jill Rogers, Service Manager for Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Digital Collections, Convenor of the ALIA Digitisation and Preservation Group Like what you do. One person with persistence can do a lot of preservation and sharing
  • Kyla Stephan, Local Studies Librarian, Gold Coast Libraries, Queensland, Digital Collecting on the Gold Coast”. Opportunities identified and lessons learned while collecting contemporary digital images from the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games to COVID-19 and beyond.
  • Suzy Nunes, ACT Heritage Archivist, ACT Heritage Library, ACT Community collecting in the digital age: Providing access to born-digital collections in the ACT Heritage Library

13.30pm AWST; 15.00 ACST, 15.30 AEST End of day 2 and evaluation

agenda_for_7_and_8_june_2023_wider_local_studies.1686182768.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/07 19:06 by