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50th Anniversary of the Multicultural Bulk Loan Service (1974 - 2024)

This year, we are celebrating 50 years of the Multicultural Bulk Loan Service. With more than 29 per cent of NSW born overseas, and over 280 languages spoken, access to books in one's own language is incredibly important. Since 1974, the State Library has proudly provided books in community languages to the people of NSW through the local public library network. We now have 43 languages to choose from.

Collections are at the core of the work of public libraries, which are some of the only spaces in society where people can go for free. Everyone should have to access to information and culture which meets their needs, regardless of their background. It is powerful for people to be able to see themselves in such spaces and stories, and it is at the heart of giving a sense of belonging. We have been committed to making this possible since 1974.

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50th_anniversary_of_the_multicultural_bulk_loan_service.1710132486.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/10 23:48 by