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2023 Reference and information services seminar at the Metcalfe, State Library of NSW, and online

Not there is no morning tea break.

Here is the Eventbrite link to book for the seminar onsite and online.

The zoom link for those participating online is here

9.30 Welcome and Acknowledgement of Country

9.35 - 10.45 Professor Emerita Kay Cassell, Rutgers University (via Zoom) time and duration confirmed Professor Emerita Cassell is co-author of Reference and information services: an introduction (the 5th edition is out, but we have not yet been able to buy it for Indyreads) and author of Public libraries and their communities.

10.45 - stand and stretch

10:50 - 11:05 5 minute talks

10:50 am - 10:55am - Professional Development Gabbrielle Cundy (Blacktown City Libraries) Confirmed.

10.55 - 11.05 Ngarie Macqueen Richmond Upper Clarence Regional Library - using Beanstack for professional development for staff.

11:05 - 11:45 NED service - the benefits, what the priorities are for the next few years and how to access the NED collection Jo Rital and Brendan Somes. Jo Ritale (Online) - is the NED Program Manager National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA). Brendan Somes (In-person) - Collection Strategy Specialist at State Library of New South Wales.Brendan, leads the collecting strategy of legal deposit and implementation of NED and can provide more of a NSW focus – what publishers are depositing, how much content.

11.45 - 12.00 Matilda Wong Ryde Library on Vote Talk information session in Cantonese and Mandarin

12.00 - 1.00 lunch in the Macquarie Room for those onsite, and wherever you choose for those online.

1.00 - 1.15 Reference excellence on the NSW public library wiki. How to use it as part of training at your library

1.15 - 2.00 Shellharbour and Woollahra Library staff talk about their roving 15 minutes each/10 minutes discussion

2.00 - 2.20 Ross Balharrie from about evaluating online resources

2.20 - 2.25 Michael Adams, State Library of NSW on Drug info

2.25 - 2.50 afternoon tea

2.50 TBC

4.00pm Close

2023_reference_seminar.1679873374.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/26 18:29 by