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Reference at the Metcalfe 2011

17 May in the Metcalfe Auditorium -

The program included David Lee King (appearing via Skype), Paul Hagon, Mitchell Whitelaw, Ross Balharrie, Jerelynn Brown, Megan Pitt and Craig Thomler.

David Lee King by Skype Creating customer experience

Ross Balharrie El Dorado: is your digital collection an undiscovered treasure 8004423

Jerelynn Brown, State Library's online collections accessible to clients across NSW 8002913

Megan Pitt CWA Country of the year web page 8004469

lightning talks by

Joan Ruthven 8002601

Andrew Gee

David Marley

John Taggart Artist book collection at Manly Library 8004448

Shauna Miller

Paul Hagon

Mitchell Whitelaw

Craig Thomler Goverment 2.0 in Australian government 7993500

This seminar was on Tuesday 17 May 2011 . It explored the role of data in libraries. With library collections and services expanding rapidly into digital resources, the creation, collection and sharing of digital resources will become increasingly important to libraries that want to remain service-based.

Twitter summary statistics from twapper keeper

You can buy a #risg2011 t-shirt via RedBubble

David Lee King wouldn't be seen dead without his #risg2011 t-shirt

Speakers on twitter David Lee King on twitter Paul Hagon on twitter Mitchell Whitelaw on twitter Craig Thomler on twitter

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2011_reference_at_the_metcalfe_seminar.1603944800.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/28 23:13 by