Name of the working party

Working Group on Multicultural Library Services (NSW) The Working Group on Multicultural Library Services is a sub-group of the NSWPLA (NSW Public Libraries Association)

Objectives of the working group are:

• To provide leadership in the field of multicultural library service • To provide members of the group with a forum for discussion and for peer support • To raise the profile of multicultural library services • To encourage co-operation and networking amongst public libraries, the State Library of NSW and other organizations. • To ensure that multicultural services are recognised as integral to public library services


Membership of the group is open to any NSW public library and should include: One Library Manager representative from a Sydney metropolitan library One Library Manager representative from a regional/country library

Terms of Office

The terms for the Chairperson, the Secretary and the Library Managers is two years in total and will commence in November (at the AGM). These positions may not be reappointed after their two year term. Nomination forms will be sent out with the minutes prior to the Annual General Meeting in November.


Meetings are held quarterly each year with the venue rotating between metropolitan libraries. The Annual General Meeting is held in November each year at the State Library of NSW.


10 members of the working group

Office Bearers Duties


The Chairperson is elected from the working group. If more than one member nominates for the role of Chairperson a ballot will be conducted.

The main responsibilities of the Chairperson are as follows:

• Call for agenda items two weeks prior to the next meeting • Chair meetings of the WGMLS • Represent the WGMLS • Provide an annual report the NSWPLA • Organise the Multicultural Excellence Awards • Call for venues and set dates for the following years meetings

During a meeting, the Chairperson assesses when a matter has been discussed sufficiently and that an appropriate action must be determined

If the Chairperson is unable to attend a meeting another member will be elected to chair the meeting in their place.


The Secretary is elected from the working group. If more than one member nominates for the role of Secretary a ballot will be conducted.

The main responsibilities of the Secretary are as follows: • prepare the agenda and minutes of the WGMLS. The minutes are added to Docuwiki for members to access within two weeks of the meeting. The minutes are checked and approved by the members of the working group at the following meeting.

• The Secretary is responsible for updating information relating to the WGMLS on the NSWPLA website. • Book the venue for the AGM at the State Library of NSW

Updated - 26 October 2023