All services remain free for all and personal service provided
Use advertising, e.g. local radio, television and newspapers
Healthcare professionals
Approaching older/disabled people in the library
Expos and pop-up libraries
Involvement in community functions and special events
Community networking and partnerships
Seniors will be more tech savvy
Electronically: education of seniors in social media, accessing library catalogue and ebooks, audiobooks, emags,/newspapers and databases
Lending of tablets or laptops and in-home tech help, especially for filling of online forms
Provide access to programs remotely, e.g. virtual bookclubs, author talks broadcast online and courses
Not so much selection but facilitating peoples self-selection – using iPads etc
Seniors book clubs and cultural pursuits such as art, music and poetry
Translation apps to reach Cald community
Comprehensive services to multi-cultural and disability groups (potential growth area) and carers
Greater use of technological aids for vision impaired
More demand in some areas due to aging population (retirement hot spots?) and there needs to be extra planning and resources in these areas
Better collections aimed at Hls customers
Volunteers playing more significant role in extending client services
Library will be a “Hub” for the local community and businesses
Overall responses are in favour of library services retaining the personal contact that is an integral part of our jobs and being places of learning, knowledge, meeting, study and enjoyment.