Reading Writing Hotline suggestions

*General adult readers*

'Gobsmackers' books, written specifically for adults who are trying to improve their literacy skills

Sugarbag on damper publications. Each book is written with three levels of difficulty

Pageturners: a tiered series of readers ranging from Level 1(100 words long, 60 unique words) to Level 4+ (Longer stories with a greater word count, but keeping a unique word vocabulary of around 300 words)

Reading Writing Hotline reading list and workbooks. Downloadable titles related to particular interests or topics. BEGINNERS-Hardcopy-Reading-List.pdf

*First Nations People readers*

Includes a young adult series of comics and list of readers

Selection of recommended titles and publishers of easy books to read (next step up from beginners)

Great list of titles recommended for beginner readers from school level to adult. The Our Words Our Stories series and the Reading Tracks series in particular are recommended.