Deliver to 205 HLS members as at May 2019
77 individual homes and residents of 22 Nursing homes/Retirement Villages
HLS management is the responsibility of Senior Services Librarian who also is responsible for the provision of resources, events and programs to seniors (50 Years old plus).
HLS day to day running is the responsibility of the Senior Services Officer (part time 3 days a week) and Library Assistant (part time 2 days a week).
HLS delivery is done by a paid staff driver/deliverer (part time 4 half days over a fortnight). Driver delivers to a different area each day.
HLS selection is done by 11 active volunteers under the supervision of the Senior Services Officer. Each volunteer offers between 2 and 5 hours per week.
Volunteers are trained individually as they come on board. The library holds one formal training/meeting day a year.
Delivery over the fortnight is as follows: week 1- Thursday, Friday; week 2- Monday Tuesday.
HLS schedules a staff visit to each HLS patron once a year. Incidental visits occur when needed.
To join the HLS a person must physically unable to come to the library to borrow items eg they are a carer, or a person with a physical or mental disability or they have transport issues. No proof is required.
Institutions such as nursing homes or retirement villages are required to complete our HLS Organisational agreement.
Individuals are also required to complete a “Permission to enter the premise form.
Our driver completes a safety/risk inspection form for OH@S
The Library hosts one HLS Morning tea at the library per year. This is an opportunity for our HLS patrons to meet our HLS staff and volunteers as well as view the collection and meet fellow patrons.
We facilitate Book clubs run by HLS patrons.