Once you have worked out the details of your book group, you then need to consider how to promote it.
How do you get people to come along?
You have to advertise.
What are your options?
Flyers – hand out when people borrow books, encourage staff to do word of mouth promotion. Consider putting fliers in other places such as Clubhouses, Bookstores etc.
Posters - in the Library or other relevant places
Newsletters – Library, Council, Clubs, Schools
Social media - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Have an event to launch reading groups
Mail outs to library members, including email and SMS messaging systems. Conduct a survey to see who is interested
Advertise in the local paper – can you get editorial? Do you want it? Do you have in-house advertising, with eye-catching notes on date-due slips, webcats or stationery? Do you have on-hold messages for the phone?
Website – Council/Library or links to other websites
School newslettersfor young people
Where you promote will influence who participates. Consider targeting specific areas to encourage people who are not using the library to participate. Talk to other sections in your council as they may have access to locations for you to advertise.