Presentations and video from 22 October 2019 wider local studies online meeting


Jo Oliver, Wollongong Libraries, New South Wales. Oral history interviews with Aboriginal people presentation available here

Rochelle Bull, Gympie Regional Libraries, Queensland, Gympie's Hotels' presentation available here

Teishan Ahearne, Moreland City Libraries, Victoria‘The People’s History of Brunswick’ presentation available here

Kathy Shilvock, Fraser Coast, Queensland Measuring Access and Engagement– Fraser Coast Libraries Local History presentation available here

Online discussion using chat will explore the following area.

Wider local studies

Scraped text

#1 How are you collecting current or recent natural disasters? These could include but not be limited to drought, bushfires, floods or cyclones

#2 Do you take pictures at the time of the disaster?

#3 How soon is too soon to start recording oral histories?

#4 How do you make sure a range of voices/visions are included?

#5 What would you do differently next time?

#6 How might you start recording current disasters (if you haven’t)?

#7 Any other comments about collecting disasters?