Table of Contents

NSW Readers' Advisory Working Group meeting minutes

June 6, 2011, The Whitlam Library Cabramatta 10am – 12 noon.

1. In attendance:

2. Apologies:

3. 2011 Twitter Reading Group Reading challenges for staff

Jenn gave a quick introduction to Twitter and the monthly meetings on Twitter. So,we have one conversation each month but with a different monthly theme, as per readit2011 themes. One of the really good things to come from these meetings is that the appear to have expanded to include others outside the library parameter. .. authors, UTS students, friends of library staff. The wiki reading group for staff is a great way to engage staff on different levels. Jenn suggested staff keep good records of their twitter and wiki involvement - hopefully you can get some credit in your staff appraisals.

4.Practical promotional ideas for 2012, National Year of Reading

It was suggested that the Marketing Group liaise with the RA group so ideas and marketing strategy are aligned. The Marketing Group has submitted a grant application for 2010, at this meeting it’s purpose was unclear. Suggestion was made that maybe we could get some funding for templates, a monthly themed set of bookmarks, press releases for all libraries to use.

The soft launch for 2012 National Year of Reading is during Adult Learner’s week 1st-8th September 2011. The main launch is set for February, and although the RA group will start 2012 in January, it was suggested that ALL libraries plan and launch one thing even if it’s only a display, on Library Lovers Day. That way we get maximum impact for a national project.


Wollongong Library

Other ideas:

How to get staff on board? – Use the monthly themes so it’s easy to plan ahead and create displays. – Make it part of staff performance reviews, so everyone does something during the year 2012 the Year of Reading - a great opportunity to promote reading in your library community.

5. RA Seminar

not discussed

6. Stock quality health check

This is based on the UK model

Jenn gave an introduction, explaining that the idea is to have an indicative list to help public libraries gauge where their collections sit across the state. All libraries across the state have been invited to be involved. The titles have been selected. When the spreadsheets are created (about August), libraries will be asked to evaluate their collection and share the results with SLNSW. Junior and YA collections will be done in 2012 and NF in 2013. Please contact Ellen Forsyth if you need more info.

7. New approaches to RA

covered in point 4.

8. General business

Ken Klippel asked about the possibility of co-ordinating Book Club resources and support materials. He has lots of packs he has finished using etc. Ken is going to set up a survey through Survey Monkey to see how this could work.

9. What everyone is reading

Meeting finished at 12.05. Thank you to staff at the Whitlam Library for making us welcome and providing a delicious morning tea.

Next meeting at Bowral Library , Thursday 21st July, 10.00 for 10.30am start.