Date: Monday 2nd December 2019
Venue: Anything Room, Green Square Library
Time: 1.40pm-4.00pm
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Apologies
3. Confirmation of minutes: dated 5th August 2019
Teresita Quinones, Waverley ;
Annie Persijn, Georges River
4. Actions arising from previous meeting
5. State Library of NSW Report
6. Multicultural Services report
Oriana Acevedo would like to remind everyone to email her details of any ILL service suspension dates over the Christmas/New Year period – this will be passed onto the courier. You can email Oriana at oriana.acevedo@sl.nsw.gov.au
8. The Wiki
9. Libraries Australia/LADD issues
The issue of searching Libraries Australia more effectively was raised. It was suggested that there are two ways to go about getting more accurate results:
Oftentimes, libraries opt not to set up Deep Linking as their IT sections are wary of it and consider that it may potentially be a security threat. Generally, Deep Linking needs to be authorised by management and a Request for Deep Linking form submitted with Libraries Australia. You also require an entry in the Australian Libraries Gateway (ALG) and the InterLibrary Resource Sharing Directory (ILRS). For more information please refer to https://www.nla.gov.au/librariesaustralia/deep-linking.
Currently, Libraries Australia has a backlog of library holdings to update due to the effects of library amalgamations over the past couple of years.
Georges River NUC code. Currently, holdings on Libraries Australia for Georges River include NUC codes for both Hurstville (NHUR) and Kogarah (NKOG). Eventually this will change to the single NUC code - NHUR.
Please remember to suspend your library’s ILL service on LADD and the ILRS (for those libraries that don’t use LADD) over the Christmas/New Year period.
10. Suggested topics for discussion
Library closures
The issue of the return labels for bulk loans was raised. They are difficult to peel and staff at the State Library have raised this with their manager – this concern has been discussed but it basically comes down to Australia Post.
11. Amalgamation updates
12. General Business
13. 2020 meetings
Monday 3rd February, 2pm
Monday 4th May, 2pm
Monday 3rd August, 2pm
Monday 7th December (venue and time to be confirmed)