Table of Contents

NSW Readers' Advisory Working Group meeting minutes

25 November 2014, Bowral Library.

Link to the information generated at the afternoon workshop- 2015 Reading themes.


2. Present

3. Early feedback from the RA survey

– Ellen Rewarding reading training is 10 years old this year. Modules are still current and relevant for library staff. Anyone wanting training, updated modules etc., please contact Ellen at SLNSW. Responses from the Readers Advisory survey will help us to plan the March 2015 RA seminar. There were 160 responses to the survey.


Passive and active RA displays

4. Whole advisory (standing item)

How are you using RA in your library?

Suggestion to use all your collection and cross formats For example, suggest:

5. How are people using Read Watch Play at their library? (standing item)

6. Feedback from CODES discussion

7. Measuring the impact of Readers Advisory services – how does your library do it?

How does your library demonstrate best practice?

Suggestion that this be referred to CODES for broader discussion.

8. Making sure you are non-judgmental with readers advisory –Becky Spratford

9. Roving RA

Effective roving RA will work if staff can link through the catalogue to music, history, blogs, ebooks etc so solid product knowledge is invaluable.

10. Around the world what people are reading