Table of Contents

NSW Readers' Advisory Working Group meeting minutes

Tuesday 25 August 2015, Grafton Library

1. Welcome to Country and welcome to Grafton – Kathryn Breward

2. Apologies

3. Present

4. Around the room introductions & what you are reading right now

(in 25 words or less: how would you suggest this to a client?).

5.Discussion about what is reading

Referred to the description on the read watch play blog

6. 2016 Read Watch Play themes and ideas for using them

- how can you make these themes work for you?

7. 2016 themes

6. Read Watch Play on social media- are you following and are you sharing?

Have a look at what is happening, and think about how your library can connect with this, and how these can work for your library, and that you can use them whatever way you want to.

Encouraging people to pin on the Read Watch Play boards

7. #rwpchat onTumblr, planning tumblr posts for future themes(standing item)

These are starting points for posts on tumblr – need 5 or 7 titles see

Using format of "if you liked x you might like ……" (this is a notes section and may be challenging to read


Dark YA books High body count

Macabre classics

Edgar Allan Poe Jane Eyre Lovecraft Wuthering heights Hound of the Baskervilles Frankenstein Dracula Matthew Reilly – Contest

See the photograph of the whiteboard with this information.




Titles Joy luck club

Joyful animals …Underwater dogs,

Joyful films



Joy books to read to children

see the photograph of the whiteboard with this information


Kilt reading list (romance in kilts - list on Novelist about this).

Tony Hawk (skateboarding)

see the photograph of the whiteboard with this information . #flightread

8. How are people using Read Watch Play, and RA generally, at their library?

9. Highlights from CODES

10. Key Readers’ Advisory issues?

What do you struggle with or are a champion of?

Science fiction Science Fiction for people who don’t read science fiction "If you like reading x – try …." book list suggestions, but also look at the tumblr -

Genre crossover and ways in

Young adult

11. New RA training page

- This bring together different online training resources, - also don’t forget the RA for all training resources, and there are other great resources too.

12. Novelist & other tools

(eg, ALA ebooks available via– Ellen showing ALA ebooks; access via; anyone can create a login; search “ala” then select ALA eBooks; list of available books is regularly updated; eg, RA guide to horror/Becky Spratford; can print individual pages; eg, CH 7: zombies – historical context, modern context, etc; “related books”, can filter ; ebooks are free; eg, Joyce Sarick’s RA in the public library; Genre Blends (2015) / Megan McArdle – context, outline, reasons readers might like these blends, if you like aspects with alternatives (“reading paths”); new titles added every 6mths or so; NoveList – changing display on home page “for lovers of literary fiction, try…”, but interesting range, connecting genres together; can browse genres on home page, can refine by age range; each titles has its own blurb, character/plot driven descriptors, genre, elements, tone, etc; note: manga usually reads right to left (back to front) so RA reference to mention this different reading approach; make your own appeal mix: character / tone / etc… can be a fun way to engage readers and build RA skills; can subscribe to eNews; Librarians provide the reviews of the genres; can refine and focus your search

13. Cataloguing for Readers Advisory

Making your OPAC work for your users From discussion about the survey results

Around Library lover’s day (have been run by a couple of libraries)

RDA discussion

Discussion about the importance of including isbns in the records Novelist overlay mentioned – "why did this title match link?" is helpful

14. Whole advisory (standing item)

15. Roving readers advisory (standing item)

Proactive suggestions, and providing hints to clients.

Next meeting will be at Lane Cove. Date to be confirmed.