Table of Contents

NSW Readers' Advisory Working Group meeting minutes

Thursday 17th February 2011, Shoalhaven Public Library, Nowra.

1. Present:

2. Apologies:

3. 2011 Twitter Reading Group:

The 2011 Twitter Reading Group can be found in several places:

Why twitter?

It was suggested we “meet” once a month on twitter to discuss monthly themes, what we are reading etc. Suggestions - who to start following? Places like other libraries, ALIA Libjournal and use search terms to find others with similar likes etc.

4. Reading challenges for staff 2011:

5. RA seminar – Dragons in the Metcalfe:

Book now!

It’s going to be a great day If you aren’t sure what fantasy novel to try, our guest speakers are: Brent Weeks - website, facebook, twitter, RSS feed Garth Nix

6. Five slides in 2 minutes:

More speakers needed - we need you to talk about:

7. Bookbinge merchandise:

Our merchandise is available from The RA group gets no money from the sale of merchandise, all money goes to redbubble. Cathy Johnston sets up the artwork and items are printed on demand. Yiu can choose from a variety of styles, colours and sizes. It’s an easy way to market library items. Any library can use the site and you can choose to make some money out of items you sell. Check out the 2011 Zombies in the library calendar by the South Australian Library and Information Network.

8. e-books:

9. New approaches to RA:

In an effort to boost on-line reviews, Nowra used one of their book club meetings for a “how-to-use” technology class. This online catalogue for what you are reading was initially created for staff but has been expanded for anyone to use. How to get patrons interested? Show them – it needs to be sold face to face.

Summer Reading program

Lots of different ideas for the promotion of this one – some patrons received extra prizes if they reviewed their items online. Some councils funded expensive prizes, participants were encouraged to register online. One library linked the SRC to the environment and prizes were plants from from the council’s depot. Some saved all the free goodies during the year from magazines and used them as lucky dips. Some judged their prize winners by the number of items read.


11. Round the table – who’s reading what:

12. The next Readers Advisory meeting date

Will be held late May at Fairfield City Library – Date TBC.

On the agenda will be:

1. Ideas for 2012 Year of Reading –

Here are some to start you thinking, Ellen has more:

2. RA Newsletter – format? Digital and hardcopy?