N.S.W. Readers' Advisory Show and Tell meeting minutes, 15 November 2022

Chair/host Lauren Watkins (Kiama)

Start 10am- 28 participants

Acknowledgement of Country- The meeting started by Acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the Land from which all participants joined the meeting. Participants wrote what land they were attending from in the chat. Lauren welcomed everyone and outlined how the meeting would progress.


Lauren - Kiama (social media) discussed how bookfaces and other social media posts can help promote the collection. Also discussed the Good Librations podcast, which allows for book suggestions and gives an opportunity to reference specific discussion points and resources on the website.

Aaron - Richmond Valley (physical resources), discussed how the physical resources can help with the RA conversation and help staff members make that initial connection with customers. Showed genre bookmarks, new titles handout, genre posters, young adult bookmarks.

Ita - Tamworth (book group kits), explained about how book groups are run/organised at Tamworth libraries and how she prepares book kits for them, includes discussion questions

Samantha - Dubbo (Wellbeing Bags), were put together for mental health month, originally wanted to have borrowable items but didn't work out. Included pamphlets on local mental health services, colouring in and other information

Erin - Dubbo (School Holiday Binge Bundles) discussed how they put together dvd bundles for the school holidays as a response to the recent flood and bad weather. Bundles contain several kids dvd’s, popcorn and promotional material for the online streaming service their library uses.

Shazia - Canterbury Bankstown (Events), discussed the main events that had taken place in the past year and how they were related to RA. e.g. one month spent promoting e-resources, helping customers to start using their platforms to borrow eaudiobooks.

Joanna - Inner West (Catalogue) discussed how they have changed the OPAC/catalogue to promote many different book ranges, this time it was Australian music for Australian music month and they change it often to keep it fresh etc.

Jo - Richmond Tweed (Book binge boxes for juniors), told us how in response to the flood damage and overwhelming donations they have put together binge boxes with junior books, e.g. diary of a wimpy kid.

Suzanne - Parramatta, (Children’s bookmark competition)

Breakout rooms

Breakout room #1 - (managed by Aaron and Ita) general discussion

Breakout room #2 - (managed by Lauren) chat

Breakout room #3 - (managed by Rachel) trivia

Ellen discussed the seminar in march, put a call out for 5 min presentations and talked about her work with the collections stock quality health check which people had been contributing to.

End meeting - 12 noon



CBCITY Libraries Events 2022