Blue Mountains City Council’s Home Library Service - Profile - February 2025

A Snapshot of Blue Mountains:  As of 2021, the Blue Mountains LGA had a population of 78 121

 10 244 or 13.2 % are ‘Seniors’ (70-84)

 Between 2016 and 2021 the 70-74 year-old cohort increased by 29.1%

 1761 or 2.3 % are ‘Elderly’ (85 and over)

An insight into our Home Library Service: The Blue Mountains Home Library Service delivers library materials to residents’ homes and Residential care homes within the local government area. We deliver on a four-weekly cycle. Residents unable to get to our Library branches regularly due to frailty, illness, living with disability, or caring duties can apply to receive the service. A Health practitioner or care provider’s referral is required. We deliver regular and large print books, talking books, magazines, CDs and DVDs, Early Literacy Kits and Spark Science Kits to residents who are eligible for the free service depending on their needs, age and interests. We also produce a quarterly newsletter for our borrowers and send them information about local services.

 Staffing: 1 x FT Co-ordinator (with other duties), 1 x FT Courier/Library Officer (with other duties), 1 x 3 day per week part time Library Assistant

 Selectors: 12 Full and part time Library Officers and Assistants select items for our 60+ borrowers in addition to their regular library branch roles (incl. HLS Assistant)

 Home Delivery customers: currently 45 individuals.

 Services to Residential Aged Care: 3 Residential Care providers in the Local Government Area with approximately 18 individuals receiving deliveries.

 Currently trialling the use of Envoy devices from Vision Australia with 1-2 borrowers.

The Home Library Service has been delivering library materials to residents since October 2022.