** Readers groups run by other organisations** There are genre or subject specific readers groups which you may want to suggest to some of your clients. Please add details below - and note if they are in Australia if it is not obvious. The focus for this referal list is groups for readers, not writers * [[http://australianromancereaders.com.au/|Australian Romance Readers Association]] * [[https://historicalnovelsociety.org/|The Historical Novel Society]] * [[http://www.jasa.net.au/|Jane Austen Society of Australia]] * [[https://www.nswdickenssociety.com/| NSW Dickens Society]] * [[http://csulb.libguides.com/c.php?g=39107&p=249216|links to science fiction, fantasy and horror groups]] * [[https://www.meetup.com/The-Sydney-Sci-Fi-Fantasy-Meetup-Group/|Sydney science fiction and fantasy meetup group]] * [[http://www.sherlock.on.net/|The Sydney passengers]]Incorporating The Sherlock Holmes Society of Australia