**Presentations and video from 25 March 2020 Wider local studies meeting** {{youtube>CmJJPGwPQHc}} Welcome and Acknowledgement of country Janet Megarrity, Local Studies Librarian, Town of Bassendean, WA, Searching for soldiers[[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dmRyPYRrYIUTRckogSST2Kgch810bKu_/view?usp=sharing|presentation available here]] Kyla Stephan, Local Studies Librarian, City of Gold Coast Librarian on Loan [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JTO9r190SHD0Jh80PulKItAJFcwpHpbI/view?usp=sharing|presentation available here]] Chat discussion exploring the topic how are you collecting local festivals. There will be question prompts for this discussion including: * do you collect every festival every year? Why or why not? * what are you actually collecting? * do you photograph, video, record the festival/s? * do you commission others to record festivals? * what festivals do you find it hard to collect? Why? [[Wider local studies]]