====Module 7 Answers and review - Reference Excellence==== [[module_7_roving_reference_ref-ex|Module 7 Roving reference (Reference Excellence)]] ==== Module 7 answers ==== //Suggested answers for Module 7 exercises - Discuss the questions and your answers with your supervisor, trainer or colleagues.// ===Roving=== - Try roving. - How do people respond to your approaches? - What skills do you need to practice? - What did you find easy about it? - What could have worked better? - Talk with your supervisor about this. Discuss your answer with your colleagues, trainer or supervisor. {{ :wiki:stripe5_refex.jpg |}} **Using technology** - What devices has your library has for roving? - How do these assist in the provision of roving services? {{ :wiki:stripe5_refex.jpg |}} **Readers' advisory** 1. What resources does your library have to support Readers' Advisory questions. 2. List the resources you can suggest to patrons that they can access from your Library Webpage. {{:wiki:answers_review.jpg|}} ====Module 7 review==== ====What have you learned?==== * You have learned how to approach people in a friendly way, as part of roving reference making sure you are not standing, or walking too close to them. * Use a phrase like “are you finding what you are looking for?” which requires a longer answer rather than a yes or no. * Make sure you are familiar with the services provided across the whole library. * Make sure you know how to use any technology your library has, the device may not have been purchased for roving reference, but may be able to be used for it. * Use roving reference each time you are rostered on a reference and information services shift. * You have learned how to start making the whole library into a service area. {{:wiki:answers_review.jpg|}} ====Evaluation==== What to do when you finish the module... When you have completed the exercises for this module, you may want to talk to your supervisor, trainer or colleagues about them. Please fill out and submit [[https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/reference_excellence|evaluation form]] {{:wiki:answers_review.jpg|}} ==== Other modules for Reference excellence ==== **Reference excellence - self paced reference and information services training** [[About ref-ex|About Reference Excellence]] [[Module 1 Overview of the reference process ref-ex|Module 1 Overview of the reference process]] [[Module 2 Reference interview skills and question types ref-ex|Module 2 Reference interview skills and question types]] [[Module 3 People skills, reference behaviours ref-ex|Module 3 People skills, reference behaviours]] [[Module 4 Search strategies ref-ex|Module 4 Search strategies]] [[Module 5 Reference resources ref-ex|Module 5 Reference resources]] [[Module 6 Ethics and legislation ref-ex|Module 6 Ethics and legislation]] [[Module 7 Roving reference ref-ex|Module 7 Roving reference]] [[Module 8 Local studies ref-ex|Module 8 Local studies]] [[Module 9 Family history ref-ex|Module 9 Family history]] [[Module 10 Children ref-ex|Module 10 Children]] [[Module 11 Young adults ref-ex|Module 11 Young adults]] [[Module 12 Corporate library services ref-ex|Module 12 Corporate library services]] [[Module 13 Technology reference services ref-ex|Module 13 Technology reference services]]