**NSW PUBLIC LIBRARIES DOCUMENT DELIVERY SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES** **Date: Monday 7th December 2020** Venue: Macquarie Room, State Library of NSW Time: 2.00pm-5.00pm Chairperson: Anne Laidlaw, City of Sydney Secretary: Kristin Ovidi, Sutherland 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Apologies: * Ania Milczarczyk, Campbelltown * Ann Santangelo, Camden * Annie Persijn, Georges River * Brenda Finney, Singleton * Huong Tran, Lane Cove * Mark Dalgiranis, Randwick * Sharni Macdonald, Parramatta * Shelley Petchell, Cumberland 3. Confirmation of minutes dated 3rd August 2020 Anne Laidlaw, City of Sydney and Kristin Ovidi, Sutherland. 4. Actions arising from previous meeting * Van run schedule – In August, Anne (City of Sydney) collated information regarding the libraries’ van run schedule including changes in frequency due to the effects of COVID on library services. Anne created a spreadsheet outlining whether ILLs for each library were running fully, partially or suspended. The spreadsheet was sent out State Library of NSW report – Anne also arranged to have the SLNSW July 2020 report distributed, the report was sent as an attachment in the email for the August 2020 DD meeting minutes. * LADD mischarging fee – Georges River reported, last meeting, that $16.50 and not $28.50 was being charged by LADD for items borrowed from university libraries. No-one else has reported that they’re having the same problem so perhaps it’s an isolated situation. * Spydus libraries – These libraries are still reviewing their ILL processes in regards to their new LMS. Burwood is currently looking into theirs and Liverpool sent Canada Bay some information regarding useful tips as libraries are helping each other out where they can. 5. State Library of NSW report – Oriana Acevedo Please see attachment in email. 6. Multicultural Services report – Oriana Acevedo Please see attachment in email. 7. ILL Van Run Most libraries are getting back to their regular delivery schedules. Samantha (SLNSW) has created a handy Excel spreadsheet which details the various library closing date over the Christmas/New Year period. This sheet has been emailed out to all on the ILL elist and also passed onto Mike, our van run courier. Samantha is also working on next year’s van run list. 8. The Wiki Ellen Forsyth (SLNSW) has added a link to all minutes of the DD Sub-Commiittee to the SLNSW public libraries’ page https://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/public-library-services/wikis-and-blogs. Anne (City of Sydney) will be having some sessions with Ellen to learn how to edit the new Interlibrary Loans for NSW Public Libraries wiki. Currently, the only content in the new wiki is this link to the old one (accessible via Google). At present, both old and new wikis are running concurrently. 9. Libraries Australia/LADD issues Fujing (Ku-ring-gai) has noticed in their bimonthly summary of ILL transactions from Libraries Australia, that ILLs procured from Sydney University show a $16.50 charge even though the slip received quotes $28.50; the charges for all other university libraries appear to be correct. Ku-ring-gai sent an email to LA querying the anomaly and they are looking into it. 10. Suggested topics for discussion * Update on dealing with COVID – Some libraries have reported the relaxing of previous restrictions to some of their services. Waverley is planning to open meetings up to 10 people (20 in February); City of Sydney had all branches open to the public in some capacity last week; some libraries are discussing the resumption of story times in the near future; Sutherland Library is considering resuming its regular (pre-OVID) hours in 2021. In response to COVID Strathfield has installed a heat gate which patrons must pass through to enter the building. Quarantining and registering on entry are still required practices at all libraries. * SLNSW email lists, continual problem with ill@libraries.nsw.gov.au – The last DD Sub-Committee minutes were sent in August, as usual, via the ILL elist but as there were no responses from anyone it was suspected that there was a problem with sending. When Anne (City of Sydney) followed this issue up, Karen (SLNSW) reported back that the email was sitting in an outbox awaiting approval. It was suggested that the reason for the delay could be due to the size/range of colours in the signature sent with the email, but the email was eventually released. As we were unaware of what the actual issue was, Anne had to send the minutes by bcc-ing people individually which was time-consuming. Burwood let us know that their IT people reported that 100KB is a fairly standard size for an email and unlikely that this is the reason for email being blocked. It seems now that the email is successfully sent but may take a few days to be released. * Subscribing to multiple elists – If you are signed up to various elists eg Hard2find and ILL, you should only receive the one email if it has been sent to multiple elists. * Inner West, bounced emails – For a while, libraries responding to ILL requests from Inner West had their emails bounce when replying. This was due to Inner West’s Library email address being incorrect – their IT section is now sorting out the problem. The correct address to use for ILLs is library@innerwest.nsw.gov.au so please check this when you hit reply. * ILL email requests showing up in Google – (Huong) Lane Cove noticed something unusual when she emailed the [Hard2find] list for a title of book News from the Red Desert. When she entered the following search into Google News from the Red Desert + site.gov.au, the search result displayed her actual email requesting the item. Joanna (SLNSW) flagged the issue with Ellen Forsyth who has now made all the elist archives private so that now when you undertake the same search you will still get the elist site but the message says ‘This mailing list is private. You must be subscribed to view the archives’. This issue has now been resolved. 11. General business * Patrons requesting bulk loans from using Spydus system – Murray (Strathfield) raised the question of whether it’s possible for patrons to place requests for a community language bulk loan using Spydus. As all ILL requests are now managed online with this LMS, is this function possible? * Anniversaries – Congratulations were offered to Ku-ring-gai Library Service celebrating its 75th (diamond) anniversary on 24/11/20 as did Mosman Council Library which also celebrated its diamond anniversary on 1/12/20. 12. Next meeting – AGM Monday 1st February 2021. Venue – State Library of NSW. 2021 schedule: Monday 3rd May 2021, 2pm-5pm Monday 2nd August 2021, 2pm-5pm Monday 6th December 2021, 2pm-5pm Attendees: * Anne Laidlaw, City of Sydney * Diane Parkin, Hornsby * Fujing Zhao, Ku-ring-gai * Grace Yoo, Mosman * Joanna Goh, SLNSW * Kristin Ovidi, Sutherland * Mayer Wu, Canterbury Bankstown * Murray Boothman, Strathfield * Parekh Chandra, Burwood * Sharon Downie, Liverpool * Teresita Waverley