**NSW Readers Advisory Working Group Meeting Minutes** 29th July 2008,Tamworth City Library. ====1. Present:==== * Ellen Forsyth (State Library) * Nicole Don (Richmond Tweed) * Surinder Kaur (Coffs Harbour) * Linda Brenton (Coffs Harbour) * Valerie Phillips (Cessnock) * Kim Shepherd (Wingecarribee) * Michelle Hudson (Kiama) * Frances Riva (Ashfield) * Philip Edney (Burwood) * Helen Cowen (Wingecarribee - Bowral) * Martin Mantle (Armidale) * Wendy Millar (Central Northern - Tamworth) * Kate Nalder (Central Northern - Tamworth) * Howard Boyle (Southern Tablelands) * Cathy Johnston (Clarence) * Jenn Martin (Auburn - remote via GoogleDocs) ====2. Apologies:==== Charina Kofod (Holroyd), Virginia Ghezi (Camden), Jo Smith (Lake Macquarie), Merilyn Hills (Hornsby), Joan Ingram (Singleton), Ros Dorsman (Central West), Chantal Birt (Central West), Jasmine Vidler (Central West) ====3. Readers Week (Jenn Martin)==== * Mark the occasion at your library with some of the suggestions compiled by the NSW Readers Advisory Working Group, available from the Readers Advisory Wiki: http://readersadvisory.wikifoundry.com/page/Readers+Week+-+September * Members of the public can get involved by making their own motivational reading posters, which can be displayed in libraries (or elsewhere!). * Called Reading Around Our Region, a flickr group has been set up to collect posters created by library users all over NSW. * We can encourage our customers to support and celebrate reading this September by making their own Motivational Reading Poster and sharing! //Basic Instructions:// 1. Join the flickr group 2. Take a photo that expresses how you feel about reading 3. Create a poster featuring your image at Big Huge Labs by using their Motivator mashup for flickr 4. Add the poster to the flickr group pool and tag it with rwmot so that we can keep track of all the wonderful posters that everyone is creating 5. Check and see if your local library is running a competition for the best motivational Reading poster - there could be goodies and prestige in it for you! The motivator poster generator is here: http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/motivator.php The Reading Around Our Region flickr group is here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/779314@N25/ And the instructions for the public on how to create their own poster are here: http://attachments.wetpaintserv.us/Ag6zaoJMr2LxgBjO%2BD%24KqQ%3D%3D96768 You can also post your photos of Readers Week events here:http://www.flickr.com/groups/537199@N21/ All links relating to the NSW Readers Advisory Working Group can also be found here:http://delicious.com/librarycreature/nswreadersadvisoryworkinggroup Happy Reading! ====4. Ideas inspired by Learning 2.0==== http://nswpubliclibrarieslearning2.blogspot.com/ Comments from around the room indicated that not everyone had finished the Learning 2.0 program; Ellenthat new participants were signing up each week so the program is continuing to be a dynamic learning ground for all things 2.0; Considering the range of 2.0 tools currently being used around the state it was clear that this training program has been extremely useful and productive. RA wiki, RA blog, RISG/RA Forum, Mashups (refer Readers Week), flickr, GoogleDocs (minutes being taken using GoogleDocs to allow participation by remote attendees), etc....... everyone asked to consider how they could/do apply Web 2.0 in their library/Librarian environment ====5. Ideas for shared resources==== * Promoting resources you can access online - look at the RA wiki & blog for some useful urls (aliaREAD, etc), please suggest others; * Martin (Armidale) suggested a humorous books list on the RA wiki; books that make you laugh; consideration for Readers Week list? - books that are upbeat,a feel good list; * also websites and specialist booksellers - please feel free to add them to the wiki ====6. RA wiki & RA / RISG Forum==== * * RA blog (http://www.nsw-risg.org/rablog/) * RA wiki (http://readersadvisory.wikifoundry.com/) * RISG/RA Forum (http://www.nsw-risg.org/forum/) These urls are also located on the RA wiki; try them out - different tools for different applications ====7. Slam the Boards! & RA (Cathy Johnston)==== [[http://answerboards.wikifoundry.com/page/Slam+the+Boards%21?t=anon|Answer Boards]] and social searching is a Learning 2.0 Week8 activity - http://nswpubliclibrarieslearning2.blogspot.com/; http://nswpubliclibrarieslearning21.blogspot.com/2008/03/week-8-answer-boards-and-social.html; This is not just a reference tool - eg. Yahoo Answers - Arts & Humanities - Books and Authors - http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/;_ylt=AhGTa5DQIMwR1xn4Ir0RjLiExQt.;_ylv=3?link=list&sid=396545299 It makes a great practice tool It makes a great training tool Join the Answer Boards Librarians - http://answerboards.wikifoundry.com/page/Participating+Librarians * Ask a question * Answer a question - using our tools (eg. NoveList, etc) * Pick a 'best answer' * Get a 'best answer' ====8. Next chapter: public libraries in Australia and New Zealand for older generations, State Library of New South Wales 1-2 May 2009.==== //~Ellen Forsyth// The call for papers is out now (closes 26 September - http://www.auslib.com.au/pdfs/Callforpapers2009.pdf). * It would be great to have a couple of RA papers on the program. * There are three groups of older folk - leading edge baby boomers (55 - 60 something), well aged (fit aged) and frail aged. There are RA services for all of these groups. * This could also be an opportunity to look at starting some research around RA services for older folk. ** Points to consider when it comes to our Seniors clientele:** * Reduced numbers of LP books (delay in best sellers/new releases being available in alternative formats - fiction & non-fiction); * TB's - listening for the narrator rather than the story/author; * pressures from increased populations in various areas (balancing collections to meet this demand whilst also continuing to service existing clients, ie. making sure YA doesn't miss out due to increased demands from increased seniors); keeping technologies up with the demand (Navigators). * Research? - existing bookgroups; ageing populations (ie, north coast retirement 'hot spots' - eg. Yamba/Iluka); * The language of ageing; careful terminology - what is seniors? (baby boomers, fit aged, frail aged); targeted/specific services (eg. housebound), accidental services (eg. reading groups where it just so happens that the attendees fall within the 'seniors' framework); social isolation; * **Strategies;** balancing need/demand/local dynamics - retirement villages, nursing homes, frail-aged-staying-at-home; * **Assumptions** - 'good book, well written', Granny (aged 90) might not want Catherine Cookson, she may prefer Darren Shan ......... remember the basic principles of RA, it's all about what the customer wants, not what you think they need. ====8. Communication==== Reference e-list; aliaREAD; Ellen will send out instructions again to PLN e-list on joining the various e-lists; anyone can join aliaREAD - go to ALIA site (check link on RA wiki), digest/individual posts available It is important that all staff have the availability of these e-lists; a reminder to ensure that staff receiving one (eg. reference) know to make that list available to others who may not be on the list; theselists are our primary points of communicationfor upcoming events, seminars, Readers Week, feedback, etc - please spread the word ====9. What are you reading right now?==== (the fun bit!!) * TS Eliot * JK Rowling / Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows * Loani Prior/Wild Tea Cosies * David Sedaris/Naked * Richard North Patterson/Conviction * Oscar Wilde/The Picture of Dorian Gray * Max Lucado/Finding Your Sweet Spot * Irene Nemirovsky/Suite Francaise * John Wyndham/Chocky * Orson Scott Card/Enders Game * John Marsden/Checkers * Catherine Jinks/A Gentleman's Garden * Elizabeth Gilbert/Eat, Pray, Love * Caroline Hamilton/Consumed * Kim Edwards/The Memory Keeper's Daughter * Jodi Picoult/Change of Heart * Dorothy Dunnet/Niccolo Rising * Susan Vreeland/Girl in Hyacinth Blue * Superannuation * selection of Australian fiction * Kathryn Fox/Without Consent * Maria V. Schneider/Poison Study * National Geographic, June issue * Marcus Zusak/The Book Thief * Nino Cullotta/They're a Weird Mob * Dream time and meditation * Steve Light/I am Happy - touch & feel picture book of feelings * Nick Hornby/A Long Way Down * iphone for Dummies * Sebastian Faulks/Devil May Care * Connie Willis/The Doomsday Book * Terry Jones/Barbarians * Patrick Rothfuss/The Name of the Wind * Cormac McCarthy/The Road * Margaret Atwood/Oryx and Crake Date and venue for next meeting yet to be determined.