Working Group on Multicultural Services (NSW) 9:30 am Thursday the 28th of November 2019 State Library of NSW Minutes Attendees: Kirsty Plumridge (Cumberland); Jadwiga Krejza (Liverpool); Ayse Ersoy (Waverley); Irena Tichackova (Hornsby); Jenny Zhang (City of Sydney); Sharlene Louey (City of Sydney); Helen Williams (Inner West); Vicki O’Rourke (Wollongong); Pauline Chan (Parramatta); Dina Krastins (Parramatta); Katherine Zhu (Randwick); Kathy Yang (Ryde); Vanessa Maino (Ryde); Kasia Malicka (Burwood); Laurence McDonnell (Blacktown); Shauna Miller (SLNSW); Oriana Acevedo (SLNSW); Mary Loveland (Northern Beaches); Wendy Ford (Northern Beaches); Kira Paznikov (Central Coast) Apologies: Sarah Wild (Canada Bay); Eugenia Ng (Burwood); Sujatha Thadakamalla (Fairfield); Joanna Bragg (ACT); Joelmon Zungar (Blacktown); Kaye Johnson (Sutherland); Sofia Silvestri (Cumberland); Vivien Chung (Willoughby); Stephanie Lee (Rockdale) Confirmation of previous minutes The previous minutes were accepted Shauna Miller and seconded by Vicki Rourke with two small changes. Welcome Oriana welcomed attendees to the State Library and to the AGM and everyone introduced themselves. Office Bearers (Wendy Ford) Wendy announced that she is leaving the group and talked about the success of the group and how important it is. Oriana thanked Wendy for her dedication and commitment to the group over the past twenty years. Jadwiga and Kirsty will continue as the chairperson and secretary for the next twelve months. The Annual Report was distributed and discussed. Highlights included our guest speakers, wiki, multicultural events and tech savvy for seniors. Annual Report has been attached to the Wiki for everyone’s reference. SLNSW Website Oriana has been fighting to get Multicultural Services listed on the SLNSW front page. She is meeting with a committee to lobby for this and is arguing it is an access issue for people with English as a second language. Oriana went through the website and explained how difficult it can be to access these as all of the information is on the bottom of each page. Oriana provided some useful tips for requesting bulk loans, and using the notes field under Non-Fiction to specify a title where possible. Oriana also highlighted the ‘Tools and Promotional Resources’ section. Highlights include - Bi-lingual flyers promoting public libraries!! If there are any languages that are not represented then let Oriana know. - A glossary featuring helpful phrases that can be translated into community languages. - Signs include four welcome signs in a variety of different languages and ask your librarian for books in your own language. Shauna would like us to review the glossary at next meeting! Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021 The group decides to elect a sub-committee to action items off the strategic plan. The subcommittee includes Oriana (SLNSW), Jadwiga (Liverpool), Lawrence (Blacktown) & Kira (Central Coast). The group also discussed ideas for professional development or training requirements – Lawrence suggested a staff exchange of multicultural librarians, and Oriana suggested a seminar focusing on bi-lingual mental health awareness. A copy of the Strategic Plan has been added to the wiki. Terms of Reference The group reviewed the ‘Terms of Reference’ and made some small chnages. A copy of the current Terms of Reference has been added to the wiki. Lawrence is going to investigate the appointment of another two ‘Library Manager’ representatives – one regional and one metropolitan, to replace him. Proposed dates for 2020 – to begin at 10am (with BlueJeans links for regional participants) 27th February – Marrickville Library 28th May – Liverpool Library 27th August – Manly Library 26th November – SLNSW Multicultural Excellence Awards Each year it is becoming increasingly difficult to receive quality applications for the awards. As a result the group is looking at better equipping individuals and libraries with the necessary tools to submit successful applications. At our first meeting for 2020, group members will be asked to bring along a list of programs and services for CALD communities. At our second meeting of the year, the SLNSW team will guide us through the applications process to encourage more submissions. There was also discussions around the Individual Nominations and whether the State Library should be responsible for nominating an individual who is making an impact. Oriana and Shauna to follow up. Tech Savvy Seniors Reporting Shauna spoke about the problem insuring the surveys for each participant are filled in and submitted. This information is fed to a company who create a comprehensive report - quarterly. Telstra need this to continue the funding – IT IS COMPULSORY!!! Shauna would also love anecdotes and photos – please send them through. Make sure you have photo permission forms. Discussion ensued about the promotional flyers. Can the space for editing be increased?? Shauna to investigate. Shauna to send out the reports for our reference including ‘Measuring Australia’s Digital Divide’, a great tool for justifying our programs. 2020/21 Promotional Campaign Oriana spoke about a cooperative grant application from some years ago, to promote what public libraries are in NSW/Australia to people who don’t speak English as a first language. They created a billboard advertising campaign with meaningful images at key Railway Stations (Redfern, Parramatta, Fairfield, Willoughby, and Strathfield) and bus posters for the Inner West. It was quite successful as the collection loans increased dramatically. The campaign looked at raising the profile of Libraries and the excellent things we do to support the community, particularly for new migrants and refugees, by using images to inform people what the Library offers in Australia!! Oriana has asked us to think about grant opportunities, what sort of photos we might promote, and where we might advertise. Some suggestions included making it more digital by advertising on YouTube or social media Can we all research the best way to target multicultural groups?? Multicultural Health The Multicultural Health Communication Service will be launching their Strategic Plan at the SLNSW next week. Department of Fair Trading The Department of Fair Trading will be sending a range of brochures to the SLNSW, for distribution to public libraries. They are on a range of topics including - • Buying a used car • Rental Rights • Shopping Rights • Funeral Rights Resources for Sale The SLNSW currently have a set of catalogues Tamil items you can purchase for $300. Please contact Oriana or Shauna if you are interested. Shauna also has a collection of 15 catalogued Thai DVDs for $300. Please contact her if you are interested. Report on the DVD Classification ALIA is taking leadership on the matter of classification of LOTE DVDs on behalf of Australian Libraries and will lobby for changes to the Act. Resource Sharing If another Library requests CALD collections, individual items, and envelopes can be sent through the ILL delivery service – but not boxes! Multicultural Book Clubs If anyone is currently conducting a multicultural book club, could you please send a brief overview to Jadwiga. Other Business Kira (Central Coast) was wondering how to assist people using IMMI site. Ideas and thoughts to be forwarded to her. Pauline (Parramatta) will be running Citizenship Training at Parramatta Library in February and was excited to invite us all to the opening of Wentworth Point Library on 15th December. Vicki (Wollongong) finally conducted an Indigenous Tech Savvy course. The program was amended to have a more flexible approach – relaxed, not structured and included a culturally sensitive presenter!!