**Librarian's guide to the galaxy** **Readers' advisory seminar 2015** **The librarian’s guide to the galaxy #ra2015** **9.30am - Welcome to the State Library of NSW** by Cameron Morley, Manager, Funding and Advisory Services, Public Library Services. **9.40am - Making your catalogue work for you** - Amy Heap on Novelist and Novelist integration @amyheap [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rbAqp2s78xpfcqMpNHOKd4OphRX87alV/view?usp=sharing|presentation here]] **10.00am - Cathy Johnston on Nancy Pearl doorways** using Science fiction/science examples @catyj [[https://www.slideshare.net/CatyJ/doorways-into-science-and-science-fiction-reading|presentation on Slideshare here]] **10.20am - Turn to the person on your right/left** and tell them 1. your name, 2. your library, 3. what you're reading right now **10.30am - 10 slides in five minutes** * Leonie Jordan - Auburn -Hand picked holiday reads [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_NA33vZYWjgaw9p0ajgKb8a4LS3xXse2BsSjRjWLIG8/edit?usp=sharing|presentation here]] * Stephanie Hodgson Auburn - Book reviews and reading suggestions at staff training [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G36wGIXP5VqiaPRb5XDmdHtQwthNK1Gk/view?usp=sharing|presentation here]] * Garrett Jackson - Hurstville - Dr Who in the library - past events they have held [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HwdXfucHXsmfXV3ynsEB_lXUIBtiSORK/view?usp=sharing|presentation here]] * Natalie Dimmock - Singleton - Fundability and the library Lego Club [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hq6odh0Zd5xFwDkAuihDaF7UvU6sREMx/view?usp=sharing|presentation here]] * Georgina Konstanta - Wollondilly - Rewarding reading training [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l5W_2hDpsWKHrqqee2KDs-T_n-z19Y9z/view?usp=sharing|presentation here]] * Rachel Franks RA tools [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BZUjUmyiCjg0nuo3zkea6G-PUtAKuKTu/view?usp=sharing|presentation here]] * Ellen Forsyth - Readers advisory survey results [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WizR8eAxeky3TL1aAf-lra2wR50dcN6N/view?usp=sharing|presentation here]] You can [[https://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/public-library-services/readers-advisory-services-nsw-public-libraries|read the survey results here]] Big thanks to all the staff who participated in this. The biggest challenges were: * Keeping current with books, authors, and genres 61.18% * Knowing books in all genres, or for all age groups 66.45% * Time to train/prepare for readers advisory or read 49.34% * Lack of confidence 29.61% * Determining the readers’ preferences 24.34% * Time to take info from reader to do readers advisory services effectively 36.18% * Lack of training 23.03% * Lack of awareness of relevant tools and resources in the library 20.39% * Lack of awareness of online tools and resources 22.37% * Time to train/prepare for readers advisory or read 49.34% **11.05am - Melanie Mutch** - Interesting readers advisory initiatives from elsewhere [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cRUQgLyvZ2TqQ9Zc9tb3yKgSdWQon4Po/view?usp=sharing|presentation here]] **11.30am - Megan McArdle author of The Readers' Advisory Guide to Genre Blends** (2014, ALA Editions) @MegMcArdle [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cRUQgLyvZ2TqQ9Zc9tb3yKgSdWQon4Po/view?usp=sharing|presentation here]] You can read //The Readers' Advisory Guide to Genre Blends// by [[https://indyreads.libraries.nsw.gov.au/info/the-readers-advisory-guide-to-genre-blends-00007337|Megan M. McArdle on indyreads]] (this note was added 22 December 2020 when wiki was being updated) 12:30 - 1.10 lunch and Becky's ten rules of basic RA service **1.10 - Dr Bill Lott** (Forensic DNA, Nanotechnology, Chemistry, Biology specialist) of QUT - Science: Reading for Facts / Reading for Fun **1.45 - Biggest challenges for RA** - from RA survey results The biggest challenges came from the reader's advisory survey. How can you help change this situation? What can you do to improve your area of focus? Think about collaborations, state wide initiatives and small individual steps to take towards change. Think big and crazy ideas. **10 slides in five minutes** **Monique Akauola,** Coordinator Reader Services, Sutherland Shire Libraries - Who writes like and ALA genre publications [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sl-WPbUKYlAcIcygkwl29Ohg4lCFk_ma/view?usp=sharing|presentation her]] **Lim Goodarzi** from Canada Bay - some science fiction specific tools [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XgR-5wbQkMGu9KbS4iyfRdF0sC845la5/view?usp=sharing|presentation here]] **Elissa James** - Canterbury - bringing staff and tools together . ** 3.10 Sean Williams** @adelaidesean - [[http://seanwilliams.com/2015/03/fantasy-science-fiction/|text of his talk is available via his blog]]. **4.00pm - thank you, wrap up and close** You can also [[https://www.redbubble.com/people/nswrisg/shop/?collections=360913|buy a shirt or bag]] celebrating the day from RedBubble.